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This document describes the API calls available as part of the Cryptopay Payment Gateway v1 API.

If your language of choice is Ruby we recommend using the Cryptopay gem instead of writing your own client.

Table of contents

- [Authentication](#authentication) - [Base URL](#base-url) - [Formats and required HTTP request headers](#formats-and-required-http-request-headers) - [Rate-limiting](#rate-limiting) - [Pagination](#pagination) - [HTTP response header](#http-response-header) - [Controlling pagination](#controlling-pagination) - [Error handling](#error-handling) - [Successful calls](#successful-calls)

- [**API Calls**](#api-calls)

- [Account](#account) - [Get balances (A)](#get-balances-a) - [Invoices](#invoices) - [Create an invoice (A)](#create-an-invoice-a) - [View an invoice (A)](#view-an-invoice-public) - [Requote an invoice](#requote-an-invoice) - [List invoices (A,P)](#list-invoices-ap) - [Payment buttons and creation through signed GET request](#payment-buttons-and-creation-through-signed-get-request) - [Payment callbacks](#payment-callbacks)

- [**Appendix**](#appendix) - [Codes and types tables](#codes-and-types-tables) - [Currencies](#currencies) - [Operation types](#operation-types) - [States](#states) - [Transfer (Bitcoin transfer, Wire transfers) statuses](#transfer-bitcoin-transfer-wire-transfer-statuses) - [E-mail transfer statuses](#e-mail-transfer-statuses) - [Invoice statuses](#invoice-statuses)

General API description


Calls that require authentication are marked with "A" in the call description title.

You can authenticate with Cryptopay by providing your API key in the HTTPS query. If your API key get compromised, you can easily reset it in Settings - API tab.

All API queries must be made over HTTPS, and plain HTTP will be refused. You must include your API key in all requests.

A complete URL with API key authentication would look like this

Base URL

The base URL for all calls is A complete URL would look like this

Formats and required HTTP request headers

The API will answer with JSON or empty responses. It expects parameters to be either passed in JSON with the correct Content-Type: application/json being set


API calls are rate-limited by IP to 6000 calls per hour.


Some API calls returning collections may be paginated. In this case the call description title mentions it.

Calls that return paginated data are marked with "P" in the call description title.

HTTP response header

Calls that return paginated collections will add a Pagination HTTP header to the response. It will contain a pagination meta-data JSON object.

Pagination header example

      // Total number of items in the collection
      // Current page number
      // Total amount of available pages

Controlling pagination

Optional pagination parameters may be passed in the request URI in order to control the way the collection gets paginated. If parameters are incorrect a HTTP 400 Bad request status is returned along with an empty body.

Parameter Default Acceptable values
page 1 Positive integer >0
per_page 20 Positive integer >=1
from optional Unix timestamp created_at > {from}
to optional Unix timestamp created_at < {to}

Datetime formats

Datetime values will be returned as Unix timestamps, for example: 1392211599

Error handling

Whenever an error is encountered, the answer to a JSON API call will have :

  • An HTTP 422 status (Unprocessable entity) or HTTP 400 (Bad request), HTTP 401 (Unauthorized)
  • A JSON array of localized error messages as body

Successful calls

If the API call was successful, the platform will answer with :

  • An HTTP 200 status (OK) or HTTP 201 (Created),
  • A JSON representation of the entity being created or updated if relevant

API Calls


Get rate

This call will return current Cryptopay exchange rate

Request path : /api/v1/rates

Request method : GET

Request parameters


A JSON object with the following attributes is returned :

Example request : GET /api/v1/rates

Example response :

  "USD": 581.95,
  "EUR": 421.58,
  "GBP": 339.7

Get balance (A)

This call will return the balances in all currencies.

Request path : /api/v1/balance

Request method : GET

Request parameters

Name Type Description
api_key String Your cryptopay api key


A JSON object with the following attributes is returned :

Example request : GET /api/v1/balance

Example response :

  //"BTC" : "0.00" will be returned if Split setting was activated for the account


Invoices are requests for payment. They can be expressed either in EUR or GBP. They all get a unique Bitcoin payment address assigned and a Bitcoin amount calculated from the requested currency amount.

Payment can be made by sending the btc_price amount of Bitcoins to the btc_address address. The invoice payment will trigger a POSTto the callback_url.

Create an invoice (A)

This call creates an invoice

Request path : /api/v1/invoices

Request method : POST

Request parameters

Name Type Description
api_key String Your cryptopay api key
price Decimal Requested amount to be credited upon payment
currency String Currency in which the amount is expressed, default is EUR (optional)
description String Invoice description (optional)
id String Merchant assigned order ID (optional)
name String Merchant assigned name (optional)
callback_url String URL to which a callback should be made when the invoice is paid (optional)
success_redirect_url String URL to redirect customer after payment completes (optional)
confirmations_count Decimal Manually require number of confirmations (optional)
callback_params Hash Additional parameters to include in callback

An invoice JSON object is returned.

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Invoice identifier
description String Invoice Description
status String Invoice status (Invoice state (see appendix)
btc_price Decimal Payable amount expressed in BTC
btc_address String Bitcoin payment address
short_id String Cryptopay's short id for invoice
callback_params String Additional parameters to include in callback
confirmation_count Decimal Required number of confirmations before callback is fired
id String Merchant assigned order ID
name String Merchant assigned name (optional)
price Decimal Requested amount to be credited upon payment
currency String Currency in which the amount is expressed
created_at Datetime Creation timestamp
valid_till Datetime Expiration timestamp
url String The URL at which this invoice is publicly visible and payable
bitcoin_uri String The URI to create a QR-code with payment information
callback_url String URL to which a callback should be made when the invoice is paid
success_redirect_url String URL to redirect customer after payment completes

Example request : POST /api/v1/invoices

    "id":"Order #123",
    "name":"An extra name",
    "description":"Here goes a sample description",
        "order_id":"Acme 123",

Example response :

   "description":"Here goes a sample description",
         "order_id":"Acme 123",
   "id":"Order #123",
   "name":"An extra name",

View an invoice (A)

It is the same call as the above one, except this call will return a subset of the JSON object representing an invoice.

Request path : /api/v1/invoices/{uuid}

Request method : GET

Request parameters

Name Type Description
api_key String Your cryptopay api key
uuid UUID Quote identifier


A JSON object with the following parameters is returned.

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Invoice identifier
description String Invoice Description
status String Invoice status (Invoice state (see appendix)
btc_price Decimal Payable amount expressed in BTC
btc_address String Bitcoin payment address
short_id String Cryptopay's short id for invoice
callback_params String Additional parameters to include in callback
confirmation_count Decimal Required number of confirmations before callback is fired
id String Merchant assigned order ID
name String Merchant assigned name (optional)
price Decimal Requested amount to be credited upon payment
currency String Currency in which the amount is expressed
created_at Datetime Creation timestamp
valid_till Datetime Expiration timestamp
url String The URL at which this invoice is publicly visible and payable
bitcoin_uri String The URI to create a QR-code with payment information
callback_url String URL to which a callback should be made when the invoice is paid
success_redirect_url String URL to redirect customer after payment completes

Example request : GET /api/v1/invoices/70c7936b-f8ce-443a-8338-3762de0a1e92

Example response :

   "description":"Here goes a sample description",
         "order_id":"Acme 123",
   "id":"Order #123",
   "name":"An extra name",

Requote an invoice (A)

Cryptopay's invoice is valid for 10 minutes and will expire after that. This call is used to requote this invoice — create a new invoice with exactly the same parameters.

Request path : /api/v1/invoices/{uuid}

Request method : PUT

Request parameters

Name Type Description
api_key String Your cryptopay api key
uuid UUID Quote identifier


A JSON object of the new invoice with the following parameters is returned.

Name Type Description
uuid UUID Invoice identifier
description String Invoice Description
status String Invoice status (Invoice state (see appendix)
btc_price Decimal Payable amount expressed in BTC
btc_address String Bitcoin payment address
short_id String Cryptopay's short id for invoice
callback_params String Additional parameters to include in callback
id String Merchant assigned order ID
name String Merchant assigned name (optional)
price Decimal Requested amount to be credited upon payment
currency String Currency in which the amount is expressed
created_at Datetime Creation timestamp
updated_at Datetime Update timestamp (not yet there)
expires_at Datetime Expiration timestamp
url String The URL at which this invoice is publicly visible and payable
bitcoin_uri String The URL to create a payment QR-code with payment information

Example request : PUT /api/v1/invoices/d2b18f9a-587e-4c8c-b6d2-f3b03e778c02

Example response :

   "description":"Here goes a sample description",
         "order_id":"Acme 123",
   "id":"Order #123",
   "name":"An extra name",

List invoices (A)

This call will return a paginated list of invoices for the client account.

Request path : /api/v1/invoices

Request method : GET

Request parameters

Name Type Description
api_key String Your cryptopay api key


A JSON array of invoice objects is returned.

Example request : GET /api/v1/invoices

Example response :


Payment buttons, iframes and hosted checkouts

Payment buttons

Payment buttons can be used to accept bitcoin for an individual item or to integrate with your existing shopping cart solution. For example, you could create a new payment button for each shopping cart on your website, setting the total and order number in the button at checkout.

API: Create button (A)

Resource that creates a payment button token to accept bitcoin on your website.

Request path : /api/v1/buttons

Request method : POST

Request parameters

Name Type Description
id String Merchant assigned order ID
price Decimal Requested amount to be credited upon payment
currency String Currency in which the amount is expressed, default is EUR (optional)
name String Order-related name (optional)


A JSON object with the following parameters is returned.

Example request : POST /api/v1/buttons

  "id": "FR2348FD",
  "price": 10.3, 
  "currency": "EUR",
  "name": "test"

Example response :

  "token": "LyJ7ryzQpE6HupB7xx8R",
  "name": "test",
  "id": "FR2348FD",
  "price": 10.3,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "created_at": 1393013086,
  "callback_url": ""

Sample embed code

The button API will return a token parameter, which you can use to generate the embed HTML (described below).

    <a href="#" data-cryptopay-token="KsjvKK1Y9ayagBXDy7Cx">
    <img src=""></a>
    <script src=""></script>

It's worth noting that generating multiple buttons this way is only necessary if you want to set prices dynamically. If you only have a few items with the same price you can generate buttons manually and modify the data-cryptopay-token attribute to change which value is returned in the callback.


You can customise the button however you like. You need to make sure to include <script src=""></script> and that your element has data-cryptopay-token parameter with token.

Events handle

The best way to track payments is to use Cryptopay's callback, whick is fired when payment is confirmed by Bitcoin network.

If you would like to implement custom event tracking logic, you can track a cryptopay-invoice javascript event in window context.

<script type="text/javascript">
window.addEventListener('cryptopay-invoice', function(event){
}, false);

This can be used, for example, to redirect the user to a 'confirmation' page where you wait for the callback to reach your site. You can obtain invoice parameters and it's status from event.detail object.

It's important to note that the this event does not guarantee a payment has arrived successfully (any user could trigger this javascript event on the page). It is just a convenient way to move to the next step in your checkout. You should always verify the payment was received via the callback to your site

Payment iframes

Payment ifames can be used to accept bitcoin for an individual item without customers being redirected to an external site. For example, you could create a new ifame for each shopping cart on your website, setting the total and order number in the iframe at checkout.

API: Create an iframe (A)

Resource that creates a payment button token to accept bitcoin on your website.

Request path : /api/v1/iframes

Request method : POST

Request parameters

Name Type Description
id String Merchant assigned order ID
price Decimal Requested amount to be credited upon payment
currency String Currency in which the amount is expressed, default is EUR (optional)
name String Order-related name (optional)


A JSON object with the following parameters is returned.

Example request : POST /api/v1/iframes

  "id": "FR2348FD",
  "price": 10.3, 
  "currency": "EUR",
  "name": "test"

Example response :

  "token": "LyJ7ryzQpE6HupB7xx8R",
  "name": "test",
  "id": "FR2348FD",
  "price": 10.3,
  "currency": "EUR",
  "created_at": 1393013086,
  "callback_url": ""

Sample embed code

The iframe API endpoint will return a token parameter, which you can use to generate the embed HTML (described below).

      <div style="max-width: 605px">
      <iframe width="100%" height="300px" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allowtransparency="true" src="">


You can customise the iframe however you like. For example, you can add a , or any other styling.

Events handle

The best way to track payments is to use Cryptopay's callback, whick is fired when payment is confirmed by Bitcoin network.

If you would like to implement custom event tracking logic, you can track a cryptopay-invoice javascript event in window context.

<script type="text/javascript">
window.addEventListener('cryptopay-invoice', function(event){
}, false);

This can be used, for example, to redirect the user to a 'confirmation' page where you wait for the callback to reach your site. You can obtain invoice parameters and it's status from event.detail object.

It's important to note that the this event does not guarantee a payment has arrived successfully (any user could trigger this javascript event on the page). It is just a convenient way to move to the next step in your checkout. You should always verify the payment via the callback to your site

Hosted page

Hosted pages can be used to accept bitcoin for an individual item or to integrate with your existing shopping cart solution. For example, you could create a new hosted page for each shopping cart on your website, setting the total and order number in the button at checkout. Your customer will be redirected to Cryptopay's page in order to complete payment.

API: Create hosted page (A)

This call creates a hosted page token

Request path : /api/v1/hosted

Request method : POST

Request parameters

Name Type Description
items Array List of items attributes (see description below)
currency String Currency in which the amount is expressed, default is EUR (optional)
id String Merchant assigned order ID (optional)
collect_email Boolean Collect customer's email address during checkout (optional)
collect_phone Boolean Collect customer's phone number during checkout (optional)
collect_name Boolean Collect customer's full name during checkout (optional)
collect_address Boolean Collect customer's address during checkout (optional)
form Array Requested fields (optional)
change_quantity Boolean ALlow customer to change quantity of items, default is true (optional)
callback_url String URL to which a callback should be made when the invoice is paid (optional)
success_redirect_url String URL to redirect customer after payment completes (optional)

Item attribute

Name Type Description
name String Currency in which the amount is expressed
price Decimal Price
quantity Integer Set the quantity per checkout (if change_quantity set to true)
description String Description of an item (optional)
vat_rate Decimal Vat rate (optional)


An invoice JSON object is returned.

Example request : POST /api/v1/hosted

   "id":"Awesome invoice 120",
   "form":["Date of Birth:"],
         "name":"Test item 1",
         "description":"Test item 1 description",
         "name":"Test item 2",
         "description":"Test item 2 description",

Example response :

      "Date of Birth:"
   "id":"Awesome invoice 120",
         "name":"Test item 1",
         "description":"Test item 1 description",
         "name":"Test item 2",
         "description":"Test item 2 description",

Allow customers to change quanity of items at the hosted checkout.

Using hosted checkout facility you can invoice for several items at once. If you want your customers to be able to choose the quantity of items they would like to purchase, you need to pass change_quantity parameter with value true

Collect user info

You might want to collect information from your customers during the checkout process, it might be email adderess, phone number, shipping address etc. We provide several preset for you convenience:

Name Type Default Description
collect_email Boolean True Collect customer's email address during checkout
collect_phone Boolean True Collect customer's phone number during checkout
collect_name Boolean True Collect customer's full name during checkout
collect_address Boolean True Collect customer's address during checkout

In order to collect custom information you can use form parameter, for example form = ['Date of Birth:', 'Tax ID']

Events handle

The best way to track payments is to use Cryptopay's callback, whick is fired when payment is confirmed by Bitcoin network.

Payment callbacks

When Cryptopay gets the payment, the backend will perform an HTTPS POST to the URL given as callback_url. The Content-Type for the request will be application/json.

The parameters sent are the same as the ones returned by a view invoice with an extra validation_hash parameter.

Cryptopay IPN is expecting to get a 200 OK response from you. If it doesn't get 200 OK — it will keep posting callbacks on the following schedule.

On failure, the job is scheduled again in 5 seconds + N ** 4, where N is the number of retries.

With the default of 25 attempts, the last retry will be 20 days later, with the last interval being almost 100 hours.

Validation hash

A validation_hash parameter is added to all callback requests. Its purpose is to authenticate the call from Cryptopay to the callback URL. This signature must be properly checked by the receiving server in order to ensure that the request is legitimate and hasn't been tampered with.

The signature is computed by concatenating the Mechant API Key with invoice UUID, price in cents and currency ISO code and applying a SHA256 hash function to it. "#{merchant.api_key}#{uuid}#{price_cents}#{price_currency}"

Example signed callback request :

In this example the client API key is 76b7c5d75bececcef0b44f01275d1357.


Signature will be computed as: 76b7c5d75bececcef0b44f01275d1357_248e5bb8-486c-457b-a2a3-59474baded6e_1000GBP

SHA1 hash: 715d7f713372e91765078d607416b69b1d6a8795

In Ruby this signature can be easily checked by doing Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(data) where data is the #{merchant.api_key}_#{uuid}_#{price_cents}#{price_currency}


Codes and types tables


The following currencies are available :

Symbol Currency
BTC Bitcoin
EUR Euro
GBP Pound Sterling
USD US Dollars

Invoice statuses

State Description
Pending The invoice is pending payment
Paid The invoice has a confirmed payment
Confirmed The invoice has a confirmed and credited to account
Timeout The invoice has expired



  • GET /api/v1/rate


Cryptopay API reference






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