This is a repository of my publicly available releases.
- Class Trainer will teach the player all of their class spells, dual spec, riding, and max weapon skills (Instant 80 Only Applicable).
- Serial Killers will display the top 10 players with the most kills in the gossip menu of a creature.
- DuelReset will reset player cooldowns and health, mana, and energy after a duel.
- Coords will add a .coords command that saves the player's coordinates to a file.
- LoginInformation will send a message to the player when they login with information about their account and character.
- LevelAnnouncement will send a message to the all players when someone levels up.
- DeathAnnouncement will send a message to the all players when someone dies.
- ReagentImprovement will modify all class reagents to make them more player friendly for custom servers.