An application mainly used to document past battles from SplatNet 3. Note that if you wish to export SplatNet 3 stats to, you are looking for this instead:
- Displays the following information about the latest battle:
- Map/Mode
- Team Ink Color
- Display Names (Shows a symbol if a user is using an alias in Private Battles)
- Game Result and Score (0 - 100 indicates a KO)
- Weapon of each player
- Stats for both the entire team and each individual member, including: Kills, Assists, Deaths, Positive/Negative Contribution (Kills - Deaths), Kill Participation ((Kills + Assists) / Total Team Kills), Paint, and Specials
- Match Time
- Material UI
- Ability to export past matches as CSV
- Currently Not Supported.
s3s - Most of the functionality used to communicate with SplatNet 3 is ported from this project.
Material Design In XAML Toolkit - Material UI used in this app.
EpicSonicLatios - He made me make this so blame him.