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Merge pull request #69 from DelineaXPM/PAN-OS-New
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tylerezimmerman authored Feb 8, 2024
2 parents fa4b45a + b8538d4 commit 9663fd5
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Showing 8 changed files with 1,102 additions and 0 deletions.
308 changes: 308 additions & 0 deletions Scripts/SecretServer/Palo Alto Pan-OS/Discovery/PAN-OS Discovery.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@

#region define variables
#Define Argument Variables
try {

[string]$DiscoveryMode = $args[0]
[string]$baseURL = $args[1] + "/api"
[string]$privUsername = $args[2]
[string]$privPassword = $args[3]
catch {
$Err = $_
throw "$Err.Exception args: $args"

#endregion define variables

#region Script Constants
[string]$LogFile = "$env:ProgramFiles\Thycotic Software Ltd\Distributed Engine\log\PAN-OS-Discovery.log"
[int32]$LogLevel = 3
[string]$logApplicationHeader = "PAN-OS Discovery"
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$adminAccounts = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$global:serviceGroupUserList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$global:authenticationProfileList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

# This section allows the Invoke-WebRequests to ignore Self-Signe Certficates in PowerShell V5
#region Ignore Self-Signed Certificates
if (-not("dummy" -as [type])) {
add-type -TypeDefinition @"
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
public static class Dummy {
public static bool ReturnTrue(object sender,
X509Certificate certificate,
X509Chain chain,
SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { return true; }
public static RemoteCertificateValidationCallback GetDelegate() {
return new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(Dummy.ReturnTrue);
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = [dummy]::GetDelegate()
#endregion Ignore Self-Signed Certificates

#region Error Handling Functions
function Write-Log {
param (
# Evaluate Log Level based on global configuration
if ($ErrorLevel -le $LogLevel) {
# Format message
[string]$Timestamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:sszzz"
switch ($ErrorLevel) {
"0" { [string]$MessageLevel = "INF0 " }
"1" { [string]$MessageLevel = "WARN " }
"2" { [string]$MessageLevel = "ERROR" }
"3" { [string]$MessageLevel = "DEBUG" }
# Write Log data
$MessageString = "{0}`t| {1}`t| {2}`t| {3}" -f $Timestamp, $MessageLevel,$logApplicationHeader, $Message
$MessageString | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -Encoding utf8 -Append -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

#endregion Error Handling Functions

#Used to Covert Authenticaiton-Profiles XML into Arrays
#Region ConverFrom-XML
function ConvertFrom-Xml {
param([parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [System.Xml.XmlNode] $node)
process {
if ($node.DocumentElement) { $node = $node.DocumentElement }
$oht = [ordered] @{}
$name = $node.Name
if ($node.FirstChild -is [system.xml.xmltext]) {
$oht.$name = $node.FirstChild.InnerText
} else {
$oht.$name = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
foreach ($child in $node.ChildNodes) {
$null = $oht.$name.Add((ConvertFrom-Xml $child))

#SOAP Request to Retreive Authenticaiton Profiles
function Get-AuthenticationProfiles {
try {
$type = "config"
$action = "get"
$xpath = "/config/shared/authentication-profile"

# Specify endpoint uri for Users
$uri = $baseURL +"/?type=" + $type + "&action=" + $action +"&Key=" + $accessToken + "&xpath=" + $xpath

Write-Log -Errorlevel 0 -Message "Requesting List of Authenticaiton Profiles form endpoint $uri"

# Specify HTTP method
$method = "get"

# Send HTTP request
$pwdObj = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $method -Uri $uri
$authProfiles = ([xml]$pwdObj.Content).response.result.'authentication-profile'
return $authProfiles
} catch {
$Err = $_
Write-Log -ErrorLevel 0 -Message "Failed to Update Password"
Write-Log -ErrorLevel 2 -Message $Err.Exception
throw $Err.Exception

#Function Builds an Array will all the Authentication Profiles for Local Users
function Get-LocalAuthenticationProfiles {
#Retrieve XML document of All Authentication Profiles
$authProfilesXML = Get-AuthenticationProfiles

#Convert XML into Array of Arrays
$authProfiles = $authProfilesXML | ConvertFrom-Xml
foreach ($authProfile in $authProfiles.'authentication-profile') {
#Identify each Auth Profiles Type
$authProfileName = $authProfile.Keys
$type = $authProfile."$authProfileName".method
#Check to see if Auth Profile Type is a Local Type
if (($type.keys -eq "local-database") -or ($type.keys -eq "none")) {
Write-Log 0 -Message "Found Local Auth Profile - $authProfileName"

#SOAP Request retrieves list of Users in Device -> Administrators section of the PAN-OS Dashboard
function RetrieveUsers {
try {
$type = "config"
$action = "get"
$xpath = "/config/mgt-config/users"

# Specify endpoint uri for Users
$uri = $baseURL +"/?type=" + $type + "&action=" + $action +"&Key=" + $accessToken + "&xpath=" + $xpath

Write-Log -Errorlevel 0 -Message "Requesting List of Users form endpoint $uri"

# Specify HTTP method
$method = "get"

# Send HTTP request
$usersObj = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $method -Uri $uri
$users = ([xml]$usersObj.Content).response.result.'users'
return $users
} catch {
$Err = $_
Write-Log -ErrorLevel 0 -Message "Failed to Update Password"
Write-Log -ErrorLevel 2 -Message $Err.Exception
throw $Err.Exception


#Function to compare a Authentication Profile and see if it exists in the Array or Local Authentication Profiles
function isLocalAccount{

foreach ($aProfile in $global:authenticationProfileList)
if($aProfile -eq $AuthProfileId)
$isLocalAccount = $true
return $isLocalAccount
$isLocalAccount = $false

$Err = $_
Write-Log -ErrorLevel 0 -Message "Check if Service Acct Failed"
Write-Log -ErrorLevel 2 -Message $Err.Exception
throw $Err.Exception <#Do this if a terminating exception happens#>

Return $isLocalAccount

#Creating an Authentication Token for use with API requests
#region Obtain PAN-OS Auth Token
try {

# Specify endpoint uri for Users
$uri = $baseURL +"/?type=keygen&user=" + $privUsername + "&password=" + $privPassword

Write-Log -Errorlevel 0 -Message "Validating Credentials form endpoint $uri"

# Specify HTTP method
$method = "get"

# Send HTTP request
$authObj = Invoke-WebRequest -Method $method -Uri $uri
$content = ($authObj.Content)
$accessToken = ([xml]$content).response.result.key

catch {
$Err = $_
throw "PAN-OS Authentication has failed for username - $username"

#Building an Array of Loca Authentication Profiles
#region Build Local Authenticaiton Profile List

#region Fetch Users
try {

$tenantUrl = $baseURL

Write-Log -Errorlevel 0 -Message "Obtaining List of Users"

#Traverse though the list of Users in the system and determine if they are Privileged Accounts

#Retrieve XML Document of Users
#These Users are in the Administrators Section under Devices
$usersList = RetrieveUsers -cursor $nextURL

#Create Arrays of important fields for each User
#Each index of the array is related to a specific user
$uNameArray = $usersList.entry | Select-object Name -ExpandProperty Name
$uAuthProfileArray = $usersList.entry.'authentication-profile'
$uSuperUserArray = $usersList.entry.permissions.'role-based'.superuser
$uPermissionArray = $usersList.entry.permissions

#Loop through Arrays
$index = 0
while ($index -lt $uNameArray.Count) {
#Reset isFound variable for each increment
$isFound = $false
$object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name tenant-url -Value $tenantUrl
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name username -Value $uNameArray[$index]

if ($DiscoveryMode -eq "Advanced") {
#Check to see if the User has permissions
#Users without Permissions are not Adminitrators and seem to be local users with a password change.
if ($null -ne $uPermissionArray[$index]) {
#Check for Local User
if (($null -eq $uAuthProfileArray[$index]) -or (isLocalAccount -AuthProfileId $uAuthProfileArray[$index])) {
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Local-Account -Value "True"
$isFound = $true
} else {
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Local-Account -Value "False"
$isFound = $true
#Check for Administrator (SuperUser)
if ($uSuperUserArray[$index] -eq "yes") {
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Administrator-Account -Value "True"
$isFound = $true
} else {
$object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Administrator-Account -Value "False"
$index = $index + 1
#If Account is what we are looking for add to Array
if ($true -eq $isFound) {
[void] $adminAccounts.add($object)
} catch {
$Err = $_
Write-Log -ErrorLevel 0 -Message "Failed to Analyze the Users"
Write-Log -ErrorLevel 2 -Message $Err.Exception
throw $Err.Exception
#endregion Fetch Users

return $adminAccounts

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