Repo to learn containerization on Docker and Kubernetes platform.
Concepts touched:
- Minikube, Kubectl and Kubeshark installation
- Kubernetes architecture, components and characteristics
- Deploying an application on Pods
- Replica sets
- Deployment kind
- Services (Cluster IP mode, Node port mode and Load balancer mode)
- Use of Kubeshark
- Trouble shooting
Summary of commands executed
- minikube start
- minikube status
- minikube stop
- rm .Dockerfile.swp
- vim Dockerfile
- docker build -t python-app:v1 .
- docker images
- docker inspect python-app:v1
- kubectl create -f deployment.yml
- kubectl apply -f deployment.yml
- kubectl get deploy
- kubectl get pods
- kubectl get pods -o wide
- vim deployment.yml
- cat deployment.yml
- kubectl delete -f deployment.yml
- kubectl delete pods python-app-8d579c6b-rjdf5
- docker push deepsuthar/python-app:v1
- kubectl get svc
- minikube stop
- ks tap
- ks proxy
Thanks !!