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gares committed Jan 26, 2023
1 parent f4b1f1e commit 2796969
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Showing 10 changed files with 70 additions and 37 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions lambdap.elpi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,12 @@ pred msolve o:list sealed-goal.
% [lp.sig S T] Gives the type of a symbol
external pred lp.sig i:symbol, o:term.

% [ L] Gives the list of type class instances
external pred o:list symbol.

% [ S] Tells if S is a type class
external pred i:symbol.

% [lp.term->string T S] Pretty prints a term T to the string S
external pred lp.term->string i:term, o:string.

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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,13 +46,14 @@ let dummy : sig_state =
[p], strategy [st], name [x], type [a], implicit arguments [impl] and
optional definition [def]. This new symbol is returned too. *)
let add_symbol : sig_state -> expo -> prop -> match_strat
-> bool -> strloc -> term -> bool list -> bool -> term option ->
-> bool -> strloc -> term -> bool list -> bool -> bool -> term option ->
sig_state * sym =
fun ss expo prop mstrat opaq id typ impl tc def ->
fun ss expo prop mstrat opaq id typ impl tc tci def ->
let sym =
Sign.add_symbol ss.signature expo prop mstrat opaq id
(cleanup typ) impl in
if tc then Sign.add_tc ss.signature sym;
if tci then Sign.add_tc_inst ss.signature sym;
match def with
| Some t -> sym.sym_def := Some (cleanup t)
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32 changes: 18 additions & 14 deletions src/handle/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,18 +80,19 @@ let handle_require_as : compiler -> sig_state -> p_path -> p_ident ->

(** [handle_modifiers ms] verifies that the modifiers in [ms] are compatible.
If so, they are returned as a tuple. Otherwise, it fails. *)
let handle_modifiers : p_modifier list -> prop * expo * match_strat * bool =
let handle_modifiers : p_modifier list -> prop * expo * match_strat * bool * bool =
fun ms ->
let rec get_modifiers ((props, expos, strats,tc) as acc) = function
let rec get_modifiers ((props, expos, strats,tc,tci) as acc) = function
| [] -> acc
| {elt=P_typeclass;_}::ms -> get_modifiers (props, expos, strats,true) ms
| {elt=P_prop _;_} as p::ms -> get_modifiers (p::props, expos, strats,tc) ms
| {elt=P_expo _;_} as e::ms -> get_modifiers (props, e::expos, strats,tc) ms
| {elt=P_typeclass;_}::ms -> get_modifiers (props, expos, strats,true, tci) ms
| {elt=P_typeclass_instance;_}::ms -> get_modifiers (props, expos, strats,tc, true) ms
| {elt=P_prop _;_} as p::ms -> get_modifiers (p::props, expos, strats,tc,tci) ms
| {elt=P_expo _;_} as e::ms -> get_modifiers (props, e::expos, strats,tc,tci) ms
| {elt=P_mstrat _;_} as s::ms ->
get_modifiers (props, expos, s::strats,tc) ms
get_modifiers (props, expos, s::strats,tc,tci) ms
| {elt=P_opaq;_}::ms -> get_modifiers acc ms
let props, expos, strats, tc = get_modifiers ([],[],[],false) ms in
let props, expos, strats, tc, tci = get_modifiers ([],[],[],false,false) ms in
let prop =
match props with
| [{elt=P_prop (Assoc b);_};{elt=P_prop Commu;_}]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ let handle_modifiers : p_modifier list -> prop * expo * match_strat * bool =
| [] -> Eager
| _ -> assert false
(prop, expo, strat, tc)
(prop, expo, strat, tc, tci)

(** [check_rule ss syms r] checks rule [r] and returns the head symbol of the
lhs and the rule itself. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,7 +165,7 @@ let handle_inductive_symbol : sig_state -> expo -> prop -> match_strat
(* Actually add the symbol to the signature and the state. *)
Console.out 2 ( "symbol %a : %a") uid name term typ;
let r = add_symbol ss expo prop mstrat false id typ impl false None in
let r = add_symbol ss expo prop mstrat false id typ impl false false None in
sig_state := fst r; r

(** Representation of a yet unchecked proof. The structure is initialized when
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -282,9 +283,11 @@ let get_proof_data : compiler -> sig_state -> p_command -> cmd_output =

| P_inductive(ms, params, p_ind_list) ->
(* Check modifiers. *)
let (prop, expo, mstrat,tc) = handle_modifiers ms in
let (prop, expo, mstrat,tc,tci) = handle_modifiers ms in
if tc then
fatal pos "Property typeclass cannot be used on inductive types.";
if tci then
fatal pos "Property instance cannot be used on inductive types.";
if prop <> Defin then
fatal pos "Property modifiers cannot be used on inductive types.";
if mstrat <> Eager then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -351,7 +354,8 @@ let get_proof_data : compiler -> sig_state -> p_command -> cmd_output =
(* Recursors are declared after the types and constructors. *)
let pos = after (end_pos pos) in
let id = Pos.make pos rec_name in
let r = add_symbol ss expo Defin Eager false id rec_typ [] false None
let r =
add_symbol ss expo Defin Eager false id rec_typ [] false false None
in sig_state := fst r; r
(ss, rec_sym::rec_sym_list)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -389,7 +393,7 @@ let get_proof_data : compiler -> sig_state -> p_command -> cmd_output =
| _ -> ()
(* Verify modifiers. *)
let prop, expo, mstrat, tc = handle_modifiers p_sym_mod in
let prop, expo, mstrat, tc, tci = handle_modifiers p_sym_mod in
let opaq = List.exists Syntax.is_opaq p_sym_mod in
let pdata_prv = expo = Privat || (p_sym_def && opaq) in
(match p_sym_def, opaq, prop, mstrat with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -494,7 +498,7 @@ let get_proof_data : compiler -> sig_state -> p_command -> cmd_output =
Console.out 2 ( "symbol %a : %a") uid id term a;
wrn pe.pos "Proof admitted.";
let t = (fun t -> t.elt) t in
fst (add_symbol ss expo prop mstrat opaq p_sym_nam a impl tc t)
fst (add_symbol ss expo prop mstrat opaq p_sym_nam a impl tc tci t)
| P_proof_end ->
(* Check that the proof is indeed finished. *)
if not (finished ps) then
Expand All @@ -504,7 +508,7 @@ let get_proof_data : compiler -> sig_state -> p_command -> cmd_output = (fun m -> unfold (mk_Meta(m,[||]))) ps.proof_term in
(* Add the symbol in the signature. *)
Console.out 2 ( "symbol %a : %a") uid id term a;
fst (add_symbol ss expo prop mstrat opaq p_sym_nam a impl tc d)
fst (add_symbol ss expo prop mstrat opaq p_sym_nam a impl tc tci d)
(* Create the proof state. *)
let pdata_state =
Expand Down
29 changes: 28 additions & 1 deletion src/handle/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ open Elpi.API
open Core
open Elpi_lambdapi

let ss : Sig_state.t State.component =
State.declare ~name:"elpi:ss"
~pp:(fun _fmt _ -> ()) ~init:(fun () -> Sig_state.dummy) ~start:(fun x -> x)

let goalc = RawData.Constants.declare_global_symbol "goal"
let ofc = RawData.Constants.declare_global_symbol "of"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,6 +78,23 @@ pred msolve o:list sealed-goal.
(fun s _ ~depth:_ -> !: (Timed.(!) s.Term.sym_type))),

Out(list sym,"L",
Read (ContextualConversion.unit_ctx, "Gives the list of type class instances")),
(fun _ ~depth:_ _ _ state ->
let s = (State.get ss state).Sig_state.signature in
!: ((Timed.(!) s.Sign.sign_tc_inst) |> Term.SymSet.elements))),

Read (ContextualConversion.unit_ctx, "Tells if S is a type class")),
(fun sym ~depth:_ _ _ state ->
let s = (State.get ss state).Sig_state.signature in
if ((Timed.(!) s.Sign.sign_tc) |> Term.SymSet.mem sym) then ()
else raise No_clause)),

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,6 +208,13 @@ let tc_metas_of_term : Sig_state.t -> Term.ctxt -> Term.term -> Term.meta list =

let scope_ref : (Parsing.Syntax.p_term -> Term.term * (int * string) list) ref = ref (fun _ -> assert false)

(* we set the state, Elpi.API.Qery lacks this function *)
let hack s c = { c with Conversion.embed =
fun ~depth state x ->
let state = State.set ss state s in
c.Conversion.embed ~depth state x

let solve_tc : ?scope:(Parsing.Syntax.p_term -> Term.term * (int * string) list) -> Sig_state.t -> Common.Pos.popt -> Term.problem -> Term.ctxt ->
Term.term * Term.term -> Term.term * Term.term =
fun ?scope ss pos _pb ctxt (t,ty) ->
Expand All @@ -213,7 +240,7 @@ let solve_tc : ?scope:(Parsing.Syntax.p_term -> Term.term * (int * string) list)
let open Elpi.API.Query in
let open Elpi.API.BuiltInData in
compile prog pos
(Query { predicate; arguments = (D(list goal,tc,N)) }) in
(Query { predicate; arguments = (D(hack ss (list goal),tc,N)) }) in

if not (Elpi.API.Compile.static_check
~checker:(Elpi.Builtin.default_checker ()) query) then
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/handle/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ let add_axiom : Sig_state.t -> popt -> meta -> Sig_state.t =
let id = Pos.make pos name in
ss Public Defin Eager true id !(m.meta_type) [] false None
ss Public Defin Eager true id !(m.meta_type) [] false false None
(* Create the value which will be substituted for the metavariable. This
value is [sym x0 ... xn] where [xi] are variables that will be
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/parsing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ type token =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,6 +222,7 @@ let rec token lb =
| "inductive" -> INDUCTIVE
| "infix" -> INFIX
| "injective" -> INJECTIVE
| "instance" -> INSTANCE
| "left" -> SIDE(Pratter.Left)
| "let" -> LET
| "notation" -> NOTATION
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/parsing/lpParser.mly
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
%token INFIX
%token LET
%token OPAQUE
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,6 +208,7 @@ modifier:
| PROTECTED { make_pos $sloc (P_expo Term.Protec) }
| SEQUENTIAL { make_pos $sloc (P_mstrat Term.Sequen) }
| TYPECLASS { make_pos $sloc P_typeclass }
| INSTANCE { make_pos $sloc P_typeclass_instance }

uid: s=UID { make_pos $sloc s}

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/parsing/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ type p_modifier_aux =
| P_prop of Term.prop (** symbol properties: constant, definable, ... *)
| P_opaq (** opacity *)
| P_typeclass
| P_typeclass_instance

type p_modifier = p_modifier_aux loc

Expand Down
22 changes: 6 additions & 16 deletions tcsolver.elpi
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
msolve L :-
compile_all [{{eqdec}}] Cl,
compile_all Cl,
Cl => std.forall L (open tc).

pred open i:(term -> term -> prop), i:sealed-goal.
Expand All @@ -12,15 +12,9 @@ open P (seal (goal Ctx Ty Wit)) :-
:index(_ 4)
pred tc o:term, o:term.

pred is_typeclass o:term.
is_typeclass {{eqdec}}.

pred instances o:term o:list term.
instances {{eqdec}} [{{bool_eqdec}}, {{nat_eqdec}}, {{pair_eqdec}}].

pred compile i:term, i:list prop, i:term, o:prop.
compile (prod (appl T U) F) TODO H (pi x\ C x) :-
is_typeclass T,
T = symb S, S,
pi x\
compile (F x) [tc (appl T U) x |TODO] (appl H x) (C x).
Expand All @@ -32,13 +26,9 @@ compile (prod _ F) TODO H (pi x\ C x) :-

compile End TODO HD (tc End HD :- TODO).

pred compile_all i:list term, o:list prop.
compile_all Refs Props :- Refs instances LList,
std.flatten LList Candidates,
pred compile_all o:list prop.
compile_all Props :- Candidates, Candidates
(cand\claus\ sigma T\ sigma N\
cand = (symb N),
lp.sig N T,
compile T [] cand claus)
(N\claus\ sigma T\ lp.sig N T, compile T [] (symb N) claus)
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions tests/OK/elpitest.lp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ symbol mk_Pair [i] [j] : T i → T j → Pair i j;
symbol pair : U → U → U;
rule T (pair $i $j) ↪ Pair $i $j;

/* instance */ symbol bool_eqdec : eqdec bool ≔ mk_eqdec eq_bool /* p */;
/* instance */ symbol nat_eqdec : eqdec nat ≔ mk_eqdec eq_nat /* p */;
/* instance */ symbol pair_eqdec : Π i j, eqdec i → eqdec j → eqdec (pair i j);
instance symbol bool_eqdec : eqdec bool ≔ mk_eqdec eq_bool /* p */;
instance symbol nat_eqdec : eqdec nat ≔ mk_eqdec eq_nat /* p */;
instance symbol pair_eqdec : Π i j, eqdec i → eqdec j → eqdec (pair i j);
/* ≔ mk_eqdec eq_nat ; */

type λ b , true == b;
Expand Down

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