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Merge branch 'cstr-recording' into acu-state-merge
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Gaspard Ferey committed Feb 18, 2020
2 parents 3f89f17 + 5cf3351 commit fe64863
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Showing 32 changed files with 1,343 additions and 495 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions api/
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Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ let set_debug_mode =
| 'c' -> Debug.enable_flag Confluence.d_confluence
| 'u' -> Debug.enable_flag Typing.d_rule
| 't' -> Debug.enable_flag Typing.d_typeChecking
| 's' -> Debug.enable_flag Srcheck.d_SR
| 'r' -> Debug.enable_flag Reduction.d_reduce
| 'm' -> Debug.enable_flag Matching.d_matching
| c -> raise (DebugFlagNotRecognized c)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ sig
val define : loc -> ident -> Signature.scope ->
bool -> term -> term option -> unit
val add_rules : Rule.partially_typed_rule list ->
(Subst.Subst.t * Rule.typed_rule) list
(Exsubst.ExSubst.t * Rule.typed_rule) list

val infer : ?ctx:typed_context -> term -> term
val check : ?ctx:typed_context -> term -> term -> unit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ struct
try _define lc id scope op te ty_opt
with e -> raise_as_env lc e

let add_rules (rules: partially_typed_rule list) : (Subst.Subst.t * typed_rule) list =
let add_rules (rules: partially_typed_rule list) : (Exsubst.ExSubst.t * typed_rule) list =
let rs2 = (T.check_rule !sg) rules in
_add_rules rules;
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion api/env.mli
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Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ sig
val define : loc -> ident -> Signature.scope -> bool -> term -> term option -> unit
(** [define l id scope body ty] defines the symbol [id] of type [ty] to be an alias of [body]. *)

val add_rules : Rule.partially_typed_rule list -> (Subst.Subst.t * Rule.typed_rule) list
val add_rules : Rule.partially_typed_rule list -> (Exsubst.ExSubst.t * Rule.typed_rule) list
(** [add_rules rule_lst] adds a list of rule to a symbol. All rules must be on the
same symbol. *)

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion api/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ struct
let rs = E.add_rules rs in
List.iter (fun (s,r) ->
Debug.debug Debug.d_notice "%[email protected] the following constraints: %a"
pp_typed_rule r (Subst.Subst.pp (fun n -> let _,n,_ = List.nth r.ctx n in n)) s) rs
pp_typed_rule r (Exsubst.ExSubst.pp (fun n -> let _,n,_ = List.nth r.ctx n in n)) s) rs
| Eval(_,red,te) ->
let te = E.reduction ~red te in
Format.printf "%a@." Printer.print_term te
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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion commands/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ let _ =
c : (confluence) notifies about information provided to the confluence
checker (when option --confluence used)
u : (rule) provides information about type checking of rules
t : (typing) provides information about type-checking of terms
t : (typing) provides information about type checking of terms
s : (SR) provides information about subject reduction checking of terms
r : (reduce) provides information about reduction performed in terms
m : (matching) provides information about pattern matching" )
; ( "-v"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,6 +93,11 @@ let _ =
; ( "--type-lhs"
, Arg.Set Typing.fail_on_unsatisfiable_constraints
, " Forbids rules with untypable left-hand side" )
; ( "--sr-check"
, Arg.Int (fun i -> Srcheck.srfuel := i)
, "LVL Sets the level of subject reduction checking to LVL.
Default value is 1. Values < 0 may not terminate on
rules that do not preserve typing. " )
; ( "--snf"
, Arg.Set Errors.errors_in_snf
, " Normalizes all terms printed in error messages" )
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions kernel/dtree.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,6 +51,13 @@ type miller_var =

val mapping_of_vars : int -> int -> int list -> int array
(** [mapping_of_vars depth arity vars] build a reverse mapping
from the list [vars] of DB indices arguments of a Miller variable.
For instance the pattern x => y => z => F y x produces a call to
[mapping_of_vars 3 2 \[1; 0\] ] which returns the array
[| 1 ; 0 ; (-1) |] *)

val fo_var : miller_var

(** {2 Pre-Matching problems} *)
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119 changes: 119 additions & 0 deletions kernel/
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@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
open Basic
open Format
open Term

(** An extended substitution is a function mapping
- a variable (location, identifier and DB index)
- applied to a given number of arguments
- under a given number of lambda abstractions
to a term.
A substitution raises Not_found meaning that the variable is not subsituted. *)
type ex_substitution = loc -> ident -> int -> int -> int -> term

(** [apply_exsubst subst n t] applies [subst] to [t] under [n] lambda abstractions.
- Variables with DB index [k] < [n] are considered "locally bound" and are never substituted.
- Variables with DB index [k] >= [n] may be substituted if [k-n] is mapped in [sigma]
and if they occur applied to enough arguments (substitution's arity). *)
let apply_exsubst (subst:ex_substitution) (n:int) (te:term) : term*bool =
let ct = ref 0 in
(* aux increments this counter every time a substitution occurs.
* Terms are reused when no substitution occurs in recursive calls. *)
let rec aux k t = match t with (* k counts the number of local lambda abstractions *)
| DB (l,x,n) when n >= k -> (* a free variable *)
( try let res = subst l x n 0 k in incr ct; res with Not_found -> t)
| App (DB (l,x,n) as db,a,args) when n >= k -> (* an applied free variable *)
let ct' = !ct in
let f' =
let res = subst l x n (1+(List.length args)) k in
incr ct;
with Not_found -> db in
let a', args' = aux k a, (aux k) args in
if !ct = ct' then t else mk_App f' a' args'
| App (f,a,args) ->
let ct' = !ct in
let f', a', args' = aux k f, aux k a, (aux k) args in
if !ct = ct' then t else mk_App f' a' args'
| Lam (l,x,a,f) ->
let ct' = !ct in
let a', f' = map_opt (aux k) a, aux (k+1) f in
if !ct = ct' then t else mk_Lam l x a' f'
| Pi (l,x,a,b) ->
let ct' = !ct in
let a', b' = aux k a, aux (k+1) b in
if !ct = ct' then t else mk_Pi l x a' b'
| _ -> t
in let res = aux n te in (res, !ct > 0)

module IntMap = Map.Make(
type t = int
let compare = compare

module ExSubst =
type t = (int*term) IntMap.t
(* Maps a DB index to an arity and a lambda-lifted substitute *)
let identity = IntMap.empty
let is_identity = IntMap.is_empty

(** Substitution function corresponding to given ExSubst.t instance [sigma].
We lookup the table at index: (DB index) [n] - (nb of local binders) [k]
When the variable is under applied it is simply not substituted.
Otherwise we return the reduct is shifted up by (nb of local binders) [k] *)
let subst (sigma:t) =
fun _ _ n nargs k ->
let (arity,t) = IntMap.find (n-k) sigma in
if nargs >= arity then Subst.shift k t else raise Not_found

(** Special substitution function corresponding to given ExSubst.t instance [sigma]
"in a smaller context":
Assume [sigma] a substitution in a context Gamma = Gamma' ; Delta with |Delta|=[i].
Then this function represents the substitution [sigma] in the context Gamma'.
All variables of Delta are ignored and substitutes of the variables of Gamma'
are unshifted. This may therefore raise UnshiftExn in case substitutes of
variables of Gamma' refers to variables of Delta.
let subst2 (sigma:t) (i:int) =
fun _ _ n nargs k ->
let (argmin,t) = IntMap.find (n+i+1-k) sigma in
if nargs >= argmin then Subst.shift k (Subst.unshift (i+1) t) else raise Not_found

let apply' (sigma:t) : int -> term -> term*bool =
if is_identity sigma then (fun _ t -> t,false) else apply_exsubst (subst sigma)

let apply2' (sigma:t) (i:int) : int -> term -> term*bool =
if is_identity sigma then (fun _ t -> t,false) else apply_exsubst (subst2 sigma i)

let apply = fun sigma i t -> fst (apply' sigma i t)

let apply2 = fun sigma n i t -> fst (apply2' sigma n i t)

let add (sigma:t) (n:int) (nargs:int) (t:term) : t =
assert ( not (IntMap.mem n sigma) || fst (IntMap.find n sigma) > nargs );
if not (IntMap.mem n sigma) || fst (IntMap.find n sigma) > nargs
then IntMap.add n (nargs,t) sigma else sigma

let applys (sigma:t) : t -> t*bool =
if is_identity sigma then (fun t -> t,false)
else fun sigma' ->
let modified = ref false in
let applysigma (n,t) =
let res,flag = apply' sigma 0 t in
if flag then modified := true;
in applysigma sigma', !modified

let rec mk_idempotent (sigma:t) : t =
let sigma', flag = applys sigma sigma in
if flag then mk_idempotent sigma' else sigma

let pp (name:(int->ident)) (fmt:formatter) (sigma:t) : unit =
let pp_aux i (n,t) =
fprintf fmt " %a[%i](%i args) -> %a\n" pp_ident (name i) i n pp_term t in
IntMap.iter pp_aux sigma

46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions kernel/exsubst.mli
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
open Term

(** This modules implements extended substitution of DB variables in a term.
This is typically used to:
1) infer a "most general" typing substitution from constraints gathered while
inferring the type of the LHS of a rule.
2) apply the substitution to the RHS of the rule before typechecking it.
module ExSubst :
type t

val identity : t
(** Empty substitution *)

val is_identity : t -> bool
(** Checks emptyness *)

val add : t -> int -> int -> term -> t
(** [add sigma n t] returns the substitution [sigma] with the extra mapping [n] -> [t]. *)

val apply : t -> int -> term -> term
(** [apply sigma n t] applies the subsitution [sigma] to [t] considered
under [n] lambda abstractions. *)

val apply' : t -> int -> term -> term*bool
(** Same as apply, but outputting a boolean [true] if the term is modified
by the substitution. *)

val apply2 : t -> int -> int -> term -> term
(** Special substitution function corresponding to given ExSubst.t instance [sigma]
"in a smaller context":
Assume [sigma] a substitution in a context Gamma = Gamma' ; Delta with |Delta|=[i].
Then this function represents the substitution [sigma] in the context Gamma'.
All variables of Delta are ignored and substitutes of the variables of Gamma'
are unshifted. This may therefore raise UnshiftExn in case substitutes of
variables of Gamma' refers to variables of Delta.

val mk_idempotent : t -> t
(** [mk_idempotent sigma] successively applies sigma to its mapped terms until this operation
has no effect anymore. *)

val pp : (int->Basic.ident) -> t Basic.printer
(** Prints the substitution using given naming function *)
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions kernel/matching.mli
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Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,15 @@ val d_matching : Debug.flag

(** {2 Matching solver} *)

exception NotUnifiable

val solve_miller : miller_var -> term -> term
(** [solve_miller var t]
Solves the matching problem X x1 ... xn = [t]
where [var] represents the applied Miller variable X x1 ... xn.
Raises NotUnifiable in case there is no solution.

module type Reducer = sig
val snf : Signature.t -> term -> term
val whnf : Signature.t -> term -> term
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