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dombrovski committed Nov 13, 2018
1 parent e671bb0 commit 33bd687
Showing 1 changed file with 65 additions and 55 deletions.
120 changes: 65 additions & 55 deletions pie_inspect.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,30 +12,21 @@ library(stargazer)

# more processing (can be offloaded to upstream scripts)
df <- as.tibble(pie_data_proc$df)

df = df %>% as_tibble %>% arrange(ID, block_num, trial)

# value sampled on the first free choice as a function of even/uneven sampling -- should be lower in uneven

# inspect relative value and uncertainty signals
df$num_segments <- as.factor(df$num_segments)
df$show_points <- as.factor(df$show_points)
df$even_uneven <- as.factor(df$even_uneven)
df$forced_sampling <- NA
df$forced_sampling[df$even_uneven==0] <- 'uneven'
df$forced_sampling[df$even_uneven==1] <- 'even'

# inx<-df[names(df)[grep("samplehx[0-9]",names(df))]]==0
# df[names(df)[grep("v_bayes[0-9]",names(df))]][inx]<-NA

# calculate different value flavors

df$v_mean <- rowMeans(df[c('v_bayes1','v_bayes2','v_bayes3', 'v_bayes4',
'v_bayes5','v_bayes6','v_bayes7','v_bayes8')], na.rm = T)
df$v_diff <- df$vbay_selected - df$v_mean
df$v_max <- apply(df[,c('v_bayes1','v_bayes2','v_bayes3', 'v_bayes4',
'v_bayes5','v_bayes6','v_bayes7','v_bayes8')], 1, max, na.rm = T)
df$v_diff <- df$v_bayes_selected - df$v_mean
df$mu_max <- apply(df[,c('dBetaMu1','dBetaMu2','dBetaMu3','dBetaMu4',
'dBetaMu5','dBetaMu6','dBetaMu7', 'dBetaMu8')], 1, function(x)

df$n_unsampled <- apply(df[,c('samplehx1','samplehx2','samplehx3', 'samplehx4',
'samplehx5','samplehx6','samplehx7','samplehx8')], 1, function(x)
Expand All @@ -45,7 +36,7 @@ df$H <- apply(df[,c('dBetaMu1','dBetaMu2','dBetaMu3','dBetaMu4',
'dBetaMu5','dBetaMu6','dBetaMu7', 'dBetaMu8')], 1, function(x)

# only the free choices

ff <- as.tibble(df[(df$trial==5 & df$num_segments==4) | (df$trial==9 & df$num_segments==8),])
Expand All @@ -54,16 +45,13 @@ uff <- ff[ff$forced_sampling=='uneven',]
# sanity check H timecourse plot -- large scaling difference between 4 and 8
ggplot(fdf, aes(trial,H, color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) + geom_smooth(method = "loess")

ldf<-reshape2::melt(fdf, measure.vars = varyingvars)
ldf <- ldf[ldf$type=='v_bayes',]

<<<<<<< HEAD
# how many remain unsampled
ggplot(fdf,aes(trial,n_unsampled, color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) + geom_smooth()
# ggplot(fdf,aes(trial,n_unsampled, color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) + geom_smooth()

# beta mean
mdf<-reshape2::melt(fdf, measure.vars = varyingvars)
Expand All @@ -74,64 +62,81 @@ sdf$type<-gsub("[0-9]*","",sdf$variable)
sdf <- sdf[sdf$type=='dBetaSigmaSquare',]

>>>>>>> 6ab3ee61fc0354e37a902a375ae5efc82fb3c682
# subjective Bayesian probabilities by segment
ggplot(ldf,aes(trial,value, color = variable)) + geom_smooth() + facet_wrap(~num_segments)
ggplot(mdf,aes(trial,value, color = variable)) + geom_smooth() + facet_wrap(~num_segments)
ggplot(sdf,aes(trial,value, color = variable)) + geom_smooth() + facet_wrap(~num_segments)

ggplot(sdf,aes(trial,value, color = variable, lty = show_points)) + geom_smooth() + facet_grid(variable~num_segments)

# plots of exploitation
# their exploitation is helped by show_points in 8
# selected value
ggplot(fdf,aes(trial,vbay_selected,color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) + geom_smooth(method = "loess")
ggplot(fdf,aes(trial,dBetaMu_selected,color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) + geom_smooth(method = "loess")
# initial values are inflated in even samplign by design
ggplot(fdf,aes(trial, vbay_selected,color = num_segments, lty = forced_sampling)) +
geom_smooth(method = 'loess') #+ facet_wrap(~ID)
ggplot(fdf,aes(trial, dBetaMu_selected,color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) +
geom_smooth(method = 'loess') + facet_wrap(~forced_sampling)
# difference from mean value
ggplot(fdf,aes(trial,v_diff,color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) + geom_smooth(method = "loess")
# objective value/probability
ggplot(fdf,aes(trial, selected_prob,color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) + geom_smooth() + facet_wrap(~ID)
ggplot(fdf,aes(trial, selected_prob,color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) +
geom_smooth(method = 'loess')

# value-uncertainty relationship
ggplot(fdf,aes(vbay_selected,u,color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) + geom_smooth(method = "loess") + facet_wrap(~ID)
ggplot(fdf,aes(vbay_selected,u,color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) + geom_smooth(method = "loess")

# beta variance is by definition not epistemic uncertainty but risk
ggplot(fdf,aes(dBetaMu_selected,dBetaSigmaSquare_selected,color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) +
geom_point() + facet_wrap(~ID)

# u is truly uncorrelated with value and closer to epistemic uncertainty
ggplot(fdf,aes(dBetaMu_selected,u,color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) +
geom_point() + facet_wrap(~ID)

ggplot(fdf,aes(v_bayes_selected,u,color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) +
geom_smooth(method = "loess")
# full data
ggplot(fdf[fdf$trial>10,],aes(vbay_selected,u, color = trial, shape = show_points)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(block_num~ID)
ggplot(fdf[fdf$trial>10,],aes(v_bayes_selected,u, color = trial, shape = show_points)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(block_num~ID)
ggsave("uv_share.pdf", height = 20, width = 20)
# # right after forced sampling
# ggplot(ff,aes(vbay_selected,u,color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) + geom_smooth(method = "gam")
# ggplot(ff,aes(v_bayes_selected,u,color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) + geom_smooth(method = "gam")
# ggplot(ff,aes(selected_prob,u,color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) + geom_smooth(method = "gam")

# do they switch from exploration to exploitation

# formal look at exploitation
# models of exploitation

# do they get design probabilities?
m1 <- lmer(selected_prob ~ num_segments * show_points + trial + (1|ID), fdf)
m1 <- lmer(selected_prob ~ num_segments * show_points * scale(trial) +
forced_sampling +
(1|ID), fdf)

# ideal Bayesian observer value
m2 <- lmer(vbay_selected ~ num_segments * show_points + trial + (1|ID), fdf)
m2 <- lmer(dBetaMu_selected ~ num_segments * show_points + trial + (1|ID), fdf)

# does the forced sampling symmetry matter?
m2f <- lmer(dBetaMu_selected ~ num_segments * show_points * scale(trial) +
forced_sampling * num_segments +
(1|ID), fdf)

# value difference between chosen and best available
m3diff <- lmer(v_diff ~ num_segments * show_points + trial + (1|ID), fdf)

<<<<<<< HEAD
# exploration
# crude measure of uncertainty: u = #samples_of_selected_segment/#trials(i.e. total # samples for normalization)
# factors controlling choice uncertainty
>>>>>>> 6ab3ee61fc0354e37a902a375ae5efc82fb3c682
m4 <- lmer(u ~ num_segments * show_points * trial + (1|ID), fdf)
Expand All @@ -156,6 +161,27 @@ sm3 <- lmer(dBetaSigmaSquare_selected ~ H + num_segments * show_points * trial +

# when do they sample the most uncertain option? 'd' stands for directed
dm1 <- glmer(dBetaSigmaSquare_isSelectedMax ~ num_segments * show_points * scale(trial) + (1|ID), family = 'binomial', fdf)
# adjust for entropy
dm2 <- glmer(dBetaSigmaSquare_isSelectedMax ~ scale(H) * num_segments * scale(trial) + num_segments * show_points + (1|ID), family = 'binomial',
glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa", optCtrl = list(maxfun = 1e5)),data = fdf)

# and for max available value (temptation to exploit)
dm3 <- glmer(dBetaSigmaSquare_isSelectedMax ~ scale(H) * num_segments * scale(trial) +
scale(mu_max) * num_segments * scale(trial) + num_segments * show_points + (1|ID), family = 'binomial',
glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa", optCtrl = list(maxfun = 1e5)),data = fdf)

ggplot(fdf, aes(trial,as.integer(dBetaSigmaSquare_isSelectedMax), color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) +
geom_smooth(method = "glm", method.args = list(family = "binomial"))

# entropy dynamics: entropy stays high in 8-show vs. 8-no-show (?selective maintenance)
hm1 <- lmer(H ~ num_segments * show_points * trial + (1|ID), fdf)
Expand All @@ -168,26 +194,10 @@ ggplot(fdf,aes(trial, dBetaSigmaSquare_selected,color = num_segments, lty = show

# Find the Bob Wilson uncertainty-driven exploration effect
ggplot(ff[ff$vbay_selected==0,],aes(forced_sampling,samplehx_selected,color = vbay_selected)) + geom_jitter() + facet_wrap(show_points~num_segments)
ggplot(ff,aes(forced_sampling,u==1,color = vbay_selected)) + geom_jitter(width = .4, height = .03 ) +
ggplot(ff[ff$v_bayes_selected==0,],aes(forced_sampling,samplehx_selected,color = v_bayes_selected)) + geom_jitter() + facet_wrap(show_points~num_segments)
ggplot(ff,aes(forced_sampling,u==1,color = v_bayes_selected)) + geom_jitter(width = .4, height = .03 ) +

# run a logistic model
um1 <- glmer(samplehx_selected==0 ~ num_segments*show_points + (1|ID),uff[,],
family = binomial(link = "logit"))

# I don't think this is a valid model, just reminding myself that I did this
um2 <- lmer(u ~ forced_sampling * num_segments + forced_sampling * vbay_selected
+ forced_sampling * show_points + vbay_selected * show_points + num_segments * show_points + (1|ID),ff[,])

# the one I trust, not so much um2
um3 <- lmer(u ~ vbay_selected * num_segments + show_points * num_segments + (1|ID),uff)

# look at beta distribution uncertainty and value statistics
ggplot(fdf,aes(trial, dBetaMu_selected, color = num_segments, lty = show_points)) + geom_smooth(method = "loess")
# NB: variance of the beta is not the same as epistemic uncertainty; it is closer to risk
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