A simple python program that keeps your dns record pointing to your public ip address.
- Python 3.7 or latest
- docker
- docker-compose
It's all environment variables based.
Create a file called .env
Copy the content of .env.example to your .env and edit according to your need
Your .env should look like this:
# DNS subdomain record to be updated
# Self explanatory
# Set False if you don't want enable trafic through cloudflare for this dns record, True if you want
# Default will be True
# Set custom ttl time (seconds)
# Default will be 1
# Your cloudflare account email
[email protected]
# Your cloudflare api key
# See how to get yours bellow
# https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200167836-Where-do-I-find-my-Cloudflare-API-key-
# Time (seconds) between each ip change verification
# Default will be 3600
# Set anything if you want to enable debugging logs, or leave it empty if you don't want to.
Just use this command
docker-compose up -d
if you want to see logs
docker logs dns-updater --follow
If you not gonna use docker, install the dependencies with following command
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
after that...
python3 updater.py