This repository contains specifications for geospatial data for agriculture. It was developed by the Agritech New Zealand geospatial working group.
The specifications are available for use under the Apache 2.0 Licence.
Documentation for the specifications, and how to contribute, can be found in the Wiki
Please make suggestions, ask questions, or request additions through the Issues Register
The specifications are organised into the following folders
- resources Primary resources for use in GeoJSON or REST/gRPC APIs
- types Data types used within the resources, including identifier and relationship types
- enums Enumerated values
- url-schemes Open API specifications for API methods
- well-known Maintainable lists of well-known values (where we don't have a complete set to make an enumeration)
- Deprecated-DataLinker-Maps JSON-LD-related objects defined for a previous version of DataLinker specifications.