Welcome to my Github, you won't find much here, since most of the stuff I do is for clients and private projects.
My name is Artur, I am currently 21 years old, I live in the ABC region in São Paulo. I have completed courses in Vectorial Art, Image Composition, Video Composition and Effects and Audiovisual with Adobe Package at Escola Saga.
Programming is a Hobby, however, I enjoy more doing Customer Service for my Discord programming store, the BreakingStore, where I sell Bots for Discord and some Windows programs.
My main interest, is to become even more professional in Electromechanics, for a future job.
Well, I would like to introduce you to Alfacusa, a Discord Roleplay bot with over +110,000 servers and thousands of users spread all over Brazil.
This is currently the biggest project I have ever done in my life and it is certainly where my love for making bots for Discord came from.
Ticket bot with complete management system and logs; Click me!
Suggestion bot with approve/deny/implement system using MySQL to store information for Senior Team application; Click me!
Pterodactyl Integration bot to manage your Pterodactyl servers by Discord with token authentication and MySQL storage Click me!
SensiviteBot a NSFW bot for Discord that has been discontinued. Click me!
CTO in Alfacusa
Partner of the botlist Discords
Translator of FreeStuff
Premier Studios - "The #1 Service Team in the market. Hundreds of commissions requests are created every month."
DevRoom - "DevRoom has had a passion for being the team you come to as a first-choice. The place where your ideas come to life"
Candor Studios - "Notable clients, attractive partners and offers"