Small routine to convert from RA,DEC to HEALPIX pixel indices to be ingested in the DB
hpixDB [-h] -i INPUT -o OUTPUT -c COLUMNS [--nside NSIDE] [--hpix_col HPIX_COL]
For help use:
hpixDB --help
Creates Healpix indices for RA,DEC pair taken from a file
The name of the input file:
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
The name of the output file:
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
The name of the 3 columns used separated by comas, e.g.: NUMBER,RA,DEC, default=NUMBER,ALPHAWIN_J2000,DELTAWIN_J2000 :
-c COLUMNS, --columns COLUMNS
Nside value for Healpix, has to be a power of 2:
--nside NSIDE
The name of the healpix indices column in the output file:
--hpix_col HPIX_COL