Final Project for 171 -- Danish Vaid, Jake Can -- UCSB, Spring 2017
[ === Milestone 1 === ] Implemented CLI completed for milestone 1.
Implemented Paxos algorithm completely to reach a consensus for milestone 1. Only
tested with an integer instead of a log entry. Successfully reaches consensus on
the value. Still maintains debugging statements so we can quickly implement log
entries instead of just integers (should be a quick fix).
To Run (our setup files work with 3 paxos and 3 clients:
Paxos - python3 [site_ID] pax_config.txt
Client - python3 [site_ID] client_config.txt
*Each run as their own process
[ === Milestone 2 === ] We implemeted all that the lab asked for and that we believe will be tested.
To run we wrote scripts, run the scripts as such (each in its own terminal):
Paxos - ./prm_runner [site_ID]
Client - ./client_runner
The client_runner script takes the responsiblity of creating the Mapper
and Reducer processes and running them in the back ground.