Adds a custom MSBuild target which will run tests and generate a coverage report locally.
Mostly just a convenience so that those who use test-driven coverage reports in their CI pipeline can check coverage locally before pushing
This may vary depending on which IDE (if any) you choose to use, but should be sufficient to get you going.
If you don't already have a GitHub PAT, create one here with minimal read:packages permissions to access public repositories.
Run this:
dotnet nuget add source "" --name "Github Feed - DanBlumenfeld" --username "[github username]" --password "[PAT]"
Modify your .csproj as shown:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReference Include="TestAndCoverageTarget" Version="1.0.0" />
dotnet restore
dotnet msbuild -target:TestAndCoverageReport
In launchsettings.json
"profiles": {
"Test & Coverage": {
"commandName": "Executable",
"executablePath": "dotnet",
"commandLineArgs": "msbuild -target:TestAndCoverageReport",
"workingDirectory": "$(ProjectDir)",
"launchBrowser": false,
"environmentVariables": {
Found at {ProjectDir}/CoverageReport/index.html