First group project initiated by Becode.
Link of the finished project : here.
Team members : Aurélie et Danaé.
- Aurélie : Header, About Us section, Category section and hamburger menu.
- Danaé : Footer, Gallery section, Specials section, Chefs section and some responsive adaptation.
It's a Becode Challenge, the goal is training our team work, CSS skills, Sass skills, Git skills and HTML skills.
- Aurélie : the HTML semantic and the prototype on Figma.
- Danaé : the HTML semantic and the SCSS.
Aurélie : the organization of Sass files (too many lines of code !).
Danaé : the responsive part on different work made by others.
Both : As our first team project with git and sass, we feel that it's not yet the best it can be and is missing some fine tuning. We hope to be faster in the future without the muddling of the first try !