An online library management solution
Frontend Theming Conventions
main(background) - #f2f3f7
standard- #ff8303
Neumorphic box shadows
box-shadow: /* logo shadow */ 0px 0px 2px #5f5f5f, /* offset */ 0px 0px 0px 5px #ecf0f3, /*bottom right */ 8px 8px 15px #a7aaaf, /* top left */ -8px -8px 15px #ffffff;
Neumorphic box-shadow(elevated)
box-shadow: 13px 13px 20px #cbced1, -13px -13px 20px #ffffff;
Neumorphic box-shadow(dropped)
box-shadow: inset 8px 8px 8px #cbced1, inset -8px -8px 8px #ffffff;
Standard border radius
border-radius: 25px; -
padding: 30px (minimum)
Margin -> mininum- 16px.
A software solution to handle the primary functions of a library, which include managing books as well as members. This solution involves maintaining a database for entering new books, recording the issue of books as well as user profiles.
Libraries play a crucial role in the society, being the gateway of knowledge and culture. With the development of digital content, it becomes increasingly important to manage and maintain the catalogue of books with a scalable and reliable Library Management System that supports the general requirements of a library. Managing a library through paperwork can be very time-consuming and it has its own risks like files and records getting lost or damaged.
Our project presents an e-platform to libraries of all sizes, which help maintain the data of books, being added or issued, along with due dates, issuers, fine calculation and other primary functions of a library.
We have three kinds of users in our system
- Librarian: Responsible for adding and maintaining the catalogue of books and issues as well as members of the library.
- Member: Members can browse the catalogue of books, request for issuing or adding more books.
- Admin: The admin has control over the entire system and has CRUD permissions for librarians, members and books.
Librarians and regular members can register an account on the platform but can only start using after profile approval by the admins (for librarians) and admin / librarian (for users).
Each book will have a unique identification number and parameters like title, author, subject, category, publication date etc, on basis of which the book can be searched in the catalogue. Members can request the authority to add a book to the catalogue by filling up a form. The system should be able to maintain the the issuing, return and renew of books.
The current project structure is as follows:
├── .github/ github related files like PR templates, contribution guidelines
├── controllers/ controller functions for every route. controllers make calls to services
├── middlewares/ middlewares for various routes go here
├── models/ database schema / models go here
├── routes/ routes or endpoint definitions go here, routes make calls to controllers
├── services/ files that process and query the database go here
├── tests/ directory for endpoint testing
├── views/ the frontend of the project in EJS, CSS and js
├── utils/ utility or helper functions go here
├── .env environment variables used in the project
├── .gitignore stores files and directories to be ignored in commits
├── .prettierrc configuration for prettier to help maintain a common code formatting
├── app.js entry point for our project
├── LICENSE the open source license
├── package.json metadata of the project
├── package-lock.json stores version of every package used in the project
└── details and instructions about the project go here
The project currently does the following things.
- Register / Login users
- Create, Read, Update, Delete operations for books
- Issue, Renew, Return operations for books
- Create and Read operations for categories
See below for our proposed future steps.
Click to expand
Sign-up/Login Page for users/librarians (Frontend validation included)
Sign-Up User/Librarian page details-
- Name
- Email - (validated via regex)
- Password - (min length 6)
- Picture - ( Store in Cloudinary)
- Phone - (validated as 10 digit or not, via regex)
- Address - (google map api, if it’s free)
- Username- Validated via ajax (username taken or not)
- Option - user/librarian
Admin-side controls
- Status
- Groups
Login Page - User / Librarian / Admin (Based on the role it will automatically redirect to respective dashboards)
- Username
- Password
- Groups
Dashboard for Admins
All-in-one management.
- User - Approve/Ban/Disapprove
- Librarian - Approve/Ban/Disapprove
- Manage all book requests
Dashboard for Users - Add book/Request book
- Contain all books taken and display the fine(if any)
- All books added by the User
Dashboard Page for librarian
- check user request/add book
- New Requests-approve/disapprove/ask for more or less time
- Verify Book Details
- A separate tab if book not returned
- All books added by the librarian
Add-Book Page- (for librarian/user)
Book Details (Frontend validation included)
- Category
- Title
- Price
- Pages
- Description
- Author
- Publisher
- Inventory
Admin/Librarian Side Controls:-
- Status- Check Book details and add to the library.
Request-Book Page
For Users
- can request books for a fixed time period
Time start
Time end
Admin/Libarian side controls:-
For Librarians-
- Can grant book request/deny them or change the time-period
A notification tab in User/Librarian dashboard
- Will notify when a user request a book/gets approved
- When their add book request gets approved
- If book not returned, Notify from time to time.
Everyone is welcomed to contribute to our project. Mentioning in bold, you do not need to know the tech stack and tools beforehand to be a part of our project. This is a learn-and-build projects where the contributors build alongside learning the various concepts and technologies involved.
Below are a few prerequisites and installation guides:
- A web browser
- Node and npm
The best way to learn the following is to google each and everything!
Very basic understanding of git and github:
- What are repositories (local - remote - upstream), issues, pull requests
- How to clone a repository, how to fork a repository, how to set upstreams
- Adding, committing, pulling, pushing changes to remote repositories
For backend:
- Reading this blog on overview of HTTP
- Reading this blog on APIs
- Reading this blog on npm
- Creating a free MongoDB cluster and fetching the connection URI. (you may read my gist on how to - here)
For frontend:
- Understanding the differences between HTML and EJS.
- Using variables, if else, loops in EJS.
- CSS !
A step by step series of instructions that tell you how to get the project running locally is given below. Google every issue you face following the below instructions or just ask us in our Discord / WhatsApp group.
- Fork and clone the repository followed by opening the project in your text editor (with a terminal)
- create a
file, copy the contents from.env.example
file to.env
. Replace the values ofPORT
with your own values. You can use our development database as well.MONGO_URI=mongodb+srv://luna:[email protected]/LibrarylyDB?retryWrites=true&w=majority
- In the terminal, make sure you are in the project directory.
- run the command
npm install
ornpm i
- (you should learn when and why to use this command!) - run the command
npm start
- you will then receive a message mentioning of an address where the project is live - open the browser and browse to the above address!
TODO: deploy over heroku or netlify or some other platform with CI/CD support
- EJS which just HTML with more powers
- Jquery
Please read for details on our contribution guidelines, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.