This application is meant to run on an autopi, to get a variety of information from the device over BTE (leveraging devices that have it, not 5.2 hw).
** For local dev: Note that go environment Architecture and OS must be set correctly:
OS: linux
arch: arm
eg. GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build
export GOOS=linux
export GOARCH=arm
This is so that the socket can library we use for dbc filtering works, but needed anyways for building for rpi.
Needs to run on an arm linux go image. I used: arm32v7/golang:1.21-bookworm
In goland, can "Edit Configurations" for build configs, and then choose a Docker target that uses the above image.
Use Pull option instead of Build. Default settings after that seemed to be fine.
Video showing config steps
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm golangci-lint run
brew install --build-from-source upx
GOARCH=arm GOOS=linux go build -ldflags="-s -w -X 'main.Version=v1.0.0'" -o edge-network && upx edge-network
Add next env var to above build command if you are running edge network on dev device(meaning your device is pairing in dev environment):
-X 'main.ENV=dev'
Binaries will build for releases from the workflow.
Copy to the AutoPi with, e.g.,
scp bin/edge-network [email protected]:~
Once edge-network is copied into the autopi, run this command to ssh into local autopi:
For newer devices [7.0 and newer] password should be the first 13 digits INCLUDING dashes of your device id. Note that this is different that the unit id, although they are the same length.
To get a CAN dump after getting into the autopi network, run the following command to get a CAN dump from your car:
./edge-network - candump [-cycles <qty>] [-send <chunk_size>]
e.g. "edge-network candump -cycles 1000 -send 100"
....would capture 1000 frames and send them in 100 frame chunks
This should create a file called testcandump.txt. Permissions may need to be altered if the file should be viewed. To do this, run the following command:
chmod 644 testcandump.txt
cat testcandump.txt
This should print testcandump.txt directly to the terminal.
Note that IP is the default IP address of the AutoPi when you connect to it's wifi. You'll need to connect to the AP local wifi.
to be able to run the above command successfully. scp
will also prompt for a password, ask internal dev for it.
This should place the executable in the home directory. Then you can replace the existing systemctl edge-network that is running by:
which edge-network
sudo systemctl stop edge-network
- replace the binary (you'll need to decompres
tar -xzvf
the binary if needed) sudo systemctl start edge-network
The device should be discoverable under thr usual autopi
-prefixed name via Bluetooth.
This runs as a systemd service. To see it's status from ap cloud: 'systemctl status edge-network'
To check it out, Install BLE Scanner on the Mac/iOS.
The when the AutoPi is on, with your vehicle ON, start up that app and find the autopi, connect to it - prefixed by autopi-
You'll see the advertised services match what is below in Commands. Click on the one you want to get the value.
Instead of building locally, you can also build in Github and then set the release URL for a specific device in the AutoPi cloud (ie. your device). Then do above again with BLE scanner to connect and test your changes. Note that you will only be able to pull data from the vehicle if it is on. Also, if the AutoPi is unable to connect to the network for whatever reason edge-network won't return data eg. the VIN. For example if you connec the AP to wifi, but it can't get an internet connection, this stuff won't work.
To view logs, from the AP cloud terminal, run the following: journalctl -u edge-network
Change the template on the device to "no loggers" id 117.
- set no loggers on device from ap cloud
- have it connect to local wifi.
- enable allow ssh connections on local wifi:
- turn on with simulator.
- send command so AP doesn't turn off (can also use AP cloud to do this):
power.hibernate delay 3600
- find IP address of AP with your wifi router.
- ssh [email protected]
- see above for ssh password, default pwd is autopi2018 on pre 7.0 hw.
- Voltage from simulator is 11.6, change critical voltage for hibernation to 11.5, same for Safety Cutout, or use PowerSupply with 14v
- If you have pending changes/ updates, connect to car to get higher voltage so it stays on & applies them.
- Status LEDs meaning:
- build binary use command at beginning - targeting linux:
GOARCH=arm GOOS=linux go build -ldflags="-s -w -X 'main.Version=v1.0.0' -X 'main.ENV=dev'" -o edge-network && upx edge-network
- scp edge-network [email protected]:~
- ssh [email protected]
- sudo systemctl stop edge-network
- which edge-network (to find where it is)
- sudo cp edge-network /usr/local/bin/edge-network
- sudo systemctl start edge-network
- sudo journalctl -u edge-network -f
edge-network candump -cycles <cycle_count> -send <chunk_size> -save
To generate local can dump to single file:
./edge-network candump -cycles <cycle_count> -save
example: ./edge-network candump -cycles 100 -save
To generate can dump and send over mqtt:
./edge-network candump -cycles <cycle_count> -send <chunk_size>
example: ./edge-network candump -cycles 100 -send 50
To generate local can dump and send over mqtt, AND save local copies of chunked messages to file:
./edge-network candump -cycles <cycle_count> -send <chunk_size> -save
example: ./edge-network candump -cycles 100 -send 50 -save
For the management calls, the process needs to have the CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE
- Device service
- Get Serial Number characteristic
- Read. Return the ASCII-encoded Serial Number of the Unit
- Get Secondary Serial Number characteristic
- Read. Return the ASCII-encoded Secondary Serial Number of the Unit
- Get Hardware Revision Number characteristic
- Read. Return the ASCII-encoded HW Revision of the Unit
- Get Software Version characteristic
- Read. Return the ASCII-encoded Software Version Number of the Unit
- Get Bluetooth Version Number characteristic
- Read. Return the ASCII-encoded Bluetooth Version Number of the Unit
- Get Signal Strength characteristic
- Read. Return the ASCII-encoded Signal Strength of the Unit in dBm
- Get Wifi connection status characteristic
- Read. Return the ASCII-encoded SSID of current wifi connected to the unit
- Set Wifi Connection characteristic
- Write. Send in wifi SSID and Password in the json string form e.g. "{"network":"Wifi-4A91D0","password":"somePassword"}" response on success will be the network name
- Get IMSI characteristic
- Read. Return the ASCII-encoded IMSI of the SIM card
- Get Serial Number characteristic
- Vehicle service
- Get VIN characteristic
- Read. Return the ASCII-encoded VIN
- Get Protocol characteristic
- Read. Return the ASCII-encoded Protocol supported, either "06" or "07"
- Get Diagnostics Error Codes characteristic
- Read. Return the ASCII-encoded, comma delimited list of DTC error codes, if any
- Get VIN characteristic
- Transactions service
- Get Ethereum address characteristic
- Read. Return the 20 bytes of the Ethereum address for the device.
- Sign hash characteristic
- Write. Send in the 32 bytes of a hash to be signed
- Read. Return the 65 bytes of the signature for the last submitted hash. If something went wrong with the signing this will error.
- Get Ethereum address characteristic
We should do notifications but I assumed it would be too much of a change. Note that the UUIDs here only differ in bytes 3 and 4.
- Get cell signal strength
- Release a build, wait for Github action to complete
- Select the desired vehicle in top right selector.
- Go to advanced settings in AutoPi admin -
- Look for Dimo setting and update the URL, basically just update the version. Note that the URL is a cloudflare bucket and not pointing directly to github because we were getting rate limited. The proxy code is here that automatically pulls from GH.
- Release a build, wait for Github action to complete
- Templates
- Select the Base template, or other specific templates
- Configuration tab
- Edit the
Dimo > Edge-network > Url
property updating the version portion of it.
Remove the current install: 'rm /opt/autopi/edge-network_release.tar.gz'
Install the newest version of the edge-network, uses the URL configured in autopi cloud to download tar.gz
state.sls dimo.install
Check to see if it is running: 'systemctl status edge-network'
If you see this result: edge-network.service - DIMO Bluetooth Service Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/edge-network.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: inactive (dead)
Start the service manually if didn't start after install: 'systemctl start edge-network'
The edge-network sends data over MQTT to the DIMO cloud. The MQTT topics are as follows:
- status payload with device signals, e.g. devices/0x064493aF03c949d58EE03Df0e771B6Eb19A1018A/status
- network data of the device
- fingerprint data of the device
- logs of the device, i.e. error logs
The data is compressed and base64 encoded before being sent over MQTT.
The edge-network connects to the DIMO cloud MQTT broker using paho.mqtt.golang client. The connection is secured with TLS and uses certificates for authentication.
On every start-up, edge-network checks if the certificate exists and renews it if it expires in 7 day. The certificate is exchanged for the JWT token, which is issued by the DIMO Dex server. See detailed cert exchange flow here.
It is essential to provide ClientID in connection options, without it offline buffering will not work. The client ID is set to the device address, so the MQTT broker can identify the device.
Paho client supports offline buffering only for QoS 1 and QoS 2 messages. The edge-network uses QoS 1 for all messages. See more about QoS levels here.
The edge-network can starts in offline mode, and will buffer the data until the connection is established.
It is done by set SetConnectRetry to true
in the MQTT client options.
The edge network also buffers the data when the connection to the MQTT broker is lost for some reason after the initial successful connection.
The messages are buffered to fileStorage and saved in /opt/autopi/store
directory as separate files.
sudo ls -la /opt/autopi/store/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 913 Jul 29 19:04 o.97.msg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1268 Jul 29 19:05 o.98.msg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 901 Jul 29 19:05 o.99.msg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 932 Jul 29 18:46 o.9.msg
Once the connection is re-established, the buffered messages are sent to the MQTT broker and the files are deleted.
We implemented limit on the number of messages that can be buffered. The default limit is 200 messages which is ~1MB of data. With default settings, time to buffer 200 messages is ~1 hour. Note: with current implementation, after limit is reached, the new messages will be dropped.
For troubleshooting purposes, the edge-network can be started with debug logs enabled for mqtt client. To enable debug logs for paho MQTT client we need to uncomment next line in the code:
// Set the logger for the MQTT client. Uncomment to enable debug logging
//mqtt.DEBUG = log.New(os.Stdout, "[DEBUG] ", 0)
The -v
command is important for the salt stack on the autopi to work correctly for managing the correct version to download.
If not present, this will likely cause devices being unable to update and/or apply pending syncs,
since the devices are using the edge-network -v call to confirm if the binary installation is working properly.
It expects to see the version number of the binary.
Note that the Version
is set via a build flag in the /.github/workflows/release.yaml
via the ldflags
Other CAN libraries:
supports sending data on the bus
eg PID fuel tank level: can-send vcan0 7DF#02012F5555555555 Seems more raw access, not sure if gives us any advantage vs. above.
Using zig for more seamless cross compilation.
High level:
Some nuissance: