Packs tissue sections from one or several slides into a single new slide removing excessive background. Requires ASAP (, openslide and the wholeslidedata package ( Can also pack the corresponding slide annotations.
The first step is to create tissue masks to separate background from foreground.
They can be create using the create_tissue_masks
script. The script was adapted from
(Pingjun Chen, MIT License, 2018) and uses otsu thresholding. The tissue masks are saved in one-channel tif format
with 0=background, 1=tissue (not readable by openslide as it can't read one-channel tifs).
You can create your own background masks as normal images, and convert them to tifs with this script from wholeslidedata:
After creating the tissue masks, the script
will do the packing.
We pack this small slide with one ASAP annotaton (in green):
First, we create the tissue mask using basic thresholding:
python3 wsipack/ --wsi=documentation/assets/example.tif \
--spacing=2 --min_area=0 --out_dir=./out/tissue_masks --overwrite
We set here min_area
(mm²) to zero to also include the smaller fragment, which would be otherwise ignored.
The output is a pyramidal image (tif) of the background/foreground:
Now, with the created tissue mask (example_tissue.tif), we can pack the slide:
python3 wsipack/ --data=documentation/assets --mask_dir=./out/tissue_masks \
--anno_dir=documentation/assets --level=0 --min_area=0 --out_dir=./out/packed_example --overwrite
This will create several directories containing the packed slide, correpsonding tissue mask and annotation. Here the packed slide with the corresponding annotation:
The packing script has two input modes: directory mode and configuration mode.
In the directory mode, data
is the directory with the slides and mask_dir
the directory with
the background slides. The names of the masks should start with the corresponding slide names (same for the annotations)
In the configuration mode, data
is a csv with at least the columns name
, path
and mask_path
specifying the name of the packed slide to create, the pathes of the slides to be packed and their masks.
This allows to pack multiple slides into one (same name). The packing can be done at any spacing or level present in the slides,
i.e. spacing
or level
. The results will be written to out_dir
. It will also create convenient symbolic links to open the slides
with ASAP (unless nolinks
flag is supplied). You can specify a cache_dir
intermediate files and an input anno_dir
with ASAP annotation xmls. These will be then packed together with the slides.
If annotations for the original slides are created after the slides have been packed, you can use the script pack_annos
It expects the original images and annotations and the packed images - directories as input.
More documentation and examples coming soon.
Created in the #EXAMODE project.