SIMPLY is a parser written in C# inspired by Regular Expressions, EBNF, and Flex. The lexer relies on regular expressions to create a list of tokens from some text, and the grammar used by the pasrser works very much like a regular expression.
The order in which items appear is not important. They are case sensitive
#AlternateCritera = [ First | Longest ]
#RootProductionNames = [ str ( , str) * ] comma seperated list of product names, if ommmitted all products can appear at the root.
#ZeroLengthRulesOK = [ True | False ] Zero length rules are allowed and the token is incremented to next when encountered at the production level.
List of substition expressions that can be used in a regular expression
[ substitution name } : [ ( regular expression | {substitution name} )* ] ;
Tokens created by the Lexer. A token that begins with "-" will not be sent to the parser.
-?[ tokenname } : [ ( regular expression | {substitution name} )* ] ;
Grammar Rules go here. Case sensitive.
[ production name ] : [ rule ];
- 'text' : Literal string
- "text" : Literal string
- | : Alternation a | b => a or b
- ( ) : Concatenation ( a b ) => a then b
- text : Either a production name or token tame
: 1 or more quantifier. a+ means at least 1 a
- ? : optional quantifier. a? means a zero or 1 times
: 0 or more quantifier. a* means a zero or more times
- {n, } : at least n quantifer
- {n,m} : at least n, but not more than m quantifer.
The following is grammar for CSS Core Parser.
ident : -? {nmstart} {nmchar}*;
name : {nmchar}+;
nmstart : [a-zA-Z] | _ | {nonascii} | {escape};
nonascii : [\x80-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD];
unicode : \\ [0-9a-fA-F]{1,6} {wc}?;
escape : {unicode} | \\ [\x20-\x7E\x80-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFD];
nmchar : [a-zA-Z0-9] | - | _ | {nonascii} | {escape};
num : [0-9]+ | [0-9]* \. [0-9]+;
string : "" ({stringchar} | ')* "" | ' ({stringchar} | "")* ';
stringchar : {urlchar} | \x020 | \\ {nl};
urlchar : [\x09\x21\x23-\x26\x27-\x7E] | {nonascii} | {escape};
nl : \x0A | \x0D \x0A | \x0D | \x0C;
w : {wc}*;
wc : \x09 | \x0A | \x0C | \x0D | \x20;
HASH : \# {name};
PERCENTAGE : {num} %;
DIMENSION : {num} {ident};
NUMBER : {num};
URI : url {w} \( {w} ({string} | {urlchar}* ) {w} \);
UNICODE_RANGE : U\+ [0-9A-F?]{1,6} (- [0-9A-F]{1,6})?;
CDO : <!--;
CDC : -->;
S : {wc}+;
COMMENT : /\* [^*]* \*+ ([^/] [^*]* \*+)* /;
ATKEYWORD : @ {ident};
FUNCTION : {ident} \(;
IDENT : {ident};
STRING : {string};
CHAR : [^""'];
stylesheet : ( CDO | CDC | S | statement )*;
statement : ruleset | at_rule;
/* AT RULE kept getting skipped */
at_rule : ATKEYWORD S* ( any | '(' declaration ')' )* S* ( block | ';' S* );
block : '{' S* statement* '}' S*;
ruleset : selector? '{' S* declaration? ( ';' S* declaration? )* '}' S*;
selector : any+;
declaration : property ':' S* value;
property : IDENT S*;
value : ( ( any | block | ATKEYWORD S* )+;
| FUNCTION S* any* ')' | DASHMATCH | '(' S* any* ')'
| '(' S* any* ')' ) S*;");
The Visualizer is a simple program that allows you to view your productions and test the compiler on some code.
There are some sample grammars in the Examples folder within the Visualizer project.