DDTH's Time Series Counter library.
Project home: https://github.com/DDTH/ddth-tsc
ddth-commons requires Java 8+ since v0.7.0
See LICENSE.txt for details. Copyright (c) 2014-2017 Thanh Ba Nguyen.
Third party libraries are distributed under their own licenses.
Latest release version: 0.7.0
Latest release version: See RELEASE-NOTES.md.
Maven dependency: if only a sub-set of ddth-tsc
functionality is used, choose the corresponding dependency artifact(s) to reduce the number of unused jar files.
: in-memory counters, Redis and Cassandra dependencies are optional.
: include all ddth-tsc-core
and Redis dependencies.
: include all ddth-tsc-core
and Cassandra dependencies.
Use ddth-tsc
to count things for a period of time. Such as:
- How does my application's memory usage look like for the last hour?
- How many hits per minute to my web site during 9AM to 11AM?
Step 1: obtain the counter factory
//in-memory counter factory (no persistency support)
ICounterFactory counterFactory = new InmemCounterFactory().init();
//Cassandra counter factory (write counter data to Cassandra)
import com.github.ddth.cql.SessionManager;
// obtain a Cassandra SessionManager
// See https://github.com/DDTH/ddth-cql-utils
SessionManager sessionManager = new SessionManager();
// To enable cache: obtain a Cache Factory
// See https://github.com/DDTH/ddth-cache-adapter
ICacheFactory cacheFactory = ...;
ICounterFactory counterFactory = new CassandraCounterFactory()
//Redis counter factory (write counter data to Redis)
ICounterFactory counterFactory = new RedisCounterFactory()
import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool;
JedisPool jedisPool = ...; //see https://github.com/xetorthio/jedis
ICounterFactory counterFactory = new RedisCounterFactory()
Step 2: obtain counters from the counter factory
ICounter countSiteVisits = counterFactory.getCounter("my-site-visits");
ICounter myCounter = counterFactory.getCounter("counter-name");
Step 3: count!
//there is one visit to my site
//at a specific time, there are 3 visits to my site
counterSiteVisits.add(unixTimestampMs, 3);
//and get the data out
long timestampLastHour = System.currentTimeMillis() - 3600000;
DataPoint[] lastHour = counterSiteVisits.get(timestampLastHour);
long timestampLast15Mins = System.currentTimeMillis() - 15*60*1000; //15 mins = 900000 ms
DataPoint[] last15MinsGroupPerMin = counterSiteVisits.get(timestampLast15Mins, 15*60); //1 min = 60 secs
Finally: destroy the factory when done
: add a valueset(...)
: set a valueget()
: get a single data point valuegetSeries(...)
: get a series of data pointsgetLastN(...)
: get last N data points