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Wrap around DataStax's Cassandra Java Driver and simplify the usage of CQL.

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ddth-cql-utils requires Java 11+ since v1.0.0, for Java 8, use v0.x.y


Latest release version: 1.0.0. See

Maven dependency:


ddth-cql-utils supports Datastax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra as well as DataStax Enterprise Java driver. ddth-cql-utils' pom marks those drivers "optional", you need to include the dependenc for those drivers in your application.


(See working example code)

Overall flow

/* Create and initialize `SessionManager` */
SessionManager sm = new SessionManager();

//// Optional: customize the SessionManager
// limit maximun number of async-jobs
// default values to connect to Cassandra cluster
// override some configurations

// remember to initialize the SessionManager

/*Obtain `CqlSession` and use it*/
// obtain a CqlSession instance, specifying contact points and keyspace
CqlSession session = sm.getSession("host1:port1,host2,host3:port3", keyspace);
// obtain a CqlSession instance, using defaultHostsAndPorts and defaultKeyspace
CqlSession defaultSession = sm.getSession();

CqlSession instance is now ready to use.
See [atastax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra ( for usage manual.

/* Before application exists: cleanup */
sm.close(); //or sm.destroy();

Performance Practices

  • Use one CqlSession instance per keyspace throughout application life. Close CqlSession only when absolutely needed! SessionManager will close open CqlSession instances when SessionManager is closed.
  • SessionManager caches CqlSession instances, so it's safe to call SessionManager.getSession(...) multiple times with the same parameters.
  • If application works with multiple keyspaces, it is recommended to create a CqlSession with no default keyspace (e.g. CqlSession session = sm.getSession("hostsAndPorts", null)) and prefix table name with keyspace name in all queries (e.g. session.execute("SELECT count(*) FROM my_keyspace.my_table")).

Execute CQL Queries with SessionManager

Although CQL queries can be executed using obtained CqlSession instance, it is recommended to execute CQL using SessionManager.

SessionManager uses the CqlSession instance initialized with defaultHostsAndPorts and defaultInstance to execute CQL queries.

Prepare and execute CQL:

PreparedStatement pstm = sm.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO keyspace.table (col1, col2) VALUES (?, ?)");
sm.execute(pstm, value1, value2);

// or shorthand version
sm.execute("INSERT INTO keyspace.table (col1, col2) VALUES (?, ?)", value1, value2);

Using named parameters:

Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("sku", "324378");
params.put("desc", "LCD screen");

PreparedStatement pstm = sm.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO my_keyspace.product (sku, description) VALUES (:sku, :desc)");
sm.execute(pstm, params);

// or shorthand version:
sm.execute("INSERT INTO my_keyspace.product (sku, description) VALUES (:sku, :desc)", params);

Execute SELECT query and process result:

// execute a SELECT query and get back a ResultSet
ResultSet rs = sm.execute("SELECT sku, description FROM my_keyspace.product", value1, value2, value3...);

// consistency level can be specified for individual query
ResultSet rs = sm.execute("SELECT sku, description FROM my_keyspace.product", ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE, params);

// loop through the result
for (Row row : rs) {

Bind values manually and execute batch:

// bind by index
PreparedStatement pstm = sm.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO my_keyspace.product (sku, description) VALUES (?, ?)");
Statement stm1 = sm.bindValues(pstm, value1, value2);

// or bind by name
PreparedStatement pstm = sm.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO my_keyspace.product (sku, description) VALUES (:sku, :description)");
Map<String, Object> valuesAndKeys = ...;
Statement stm2 = sm.bindValues(pstm, valuesAndKeys);

// execute a batch of statements
ResultSet rs = sm.executeBatch(stm1, stm2);

Execute query asynchronously (more information at Datastax Manual Page):

// execute a SELECT query asynchronously
String cql = "SELECT * from keyspace.products WHERE sku=?";
CqlSession session = sm.getSession(...);
CompletionStage<AsyncResultSet> stage = CqlUtils.executeAsync(session, cql, "12345");
stage.whenComplete((resultSet, error) -> {
    if (error != null) {
    } else {
        System.out.println("First row: " +;

// or using callback to process result
Callback<AsyncResultSet> callback = new Callback<>() {
    public void onSuccess(AsyncResultSet result) {
        System.out.println("First row: " +;
    public void void onFailure(Throwable t) {
sm.executeAsync(callback, cql, "12345");

SessionManager limits the number of asyn-jobs that can be executed concurrently (default value is 100, it can be changed by calling SessionManager.setMaxAsyncJobs(int) before SessionManager.init() is called).

If number of async-jobs exceeds this value, ExceedMaxAsyncJobsException is passed to Callback.onFailure().

Work with DataStax Enterprise Server

If application uses Cassandra-only features, CqlSession can work with DSE Server. However, DseSession is required to work with DSE-features (such as graph, analytics or search). ddth-cql-utils offers DseSessionManager to manage DseSession instance. Its usage is similar to SessionManager:

DseSessionManager sm = new DseSessionManager();

//// Optional: customize the SessionManager
// limit maximun number of async-jobs
// default values to connect to Cassandra cluster
// override some configurations

// remember to initialize the SessionManager

/*Obtain `DseSession` and use it*/
// obtain a DseSession instance, specifying contact points and keyspace
DseSession session = sm.getSession("host1:port1,host2,host3:port3", keyspace);
// obtain a DseSession instance, using defaultHostsAndPorts and defaultKeyspace
DseSession defaultSession = sm.getSession();

DseSession instance is now ready to use.
See Datastax Enterprise Java Driver ( for usage manual.

/* Before application exists: cleanup */
sm.close(); //or sm.destroy();

DseSessionManager extends SessionManager and can be used as a drop-in replacement, with a few differences:

  • DseSessionManager.getSession(...) returns DseSession instead of CqlSession. Again, DseSession extends CqlSession and can be used as a drop-in replacement.
  • Use DseDriverConfigLoader.fromXXX(...) to load configurations for DseSessionManager.setConfigLoader(DriverConfigLoader).


  • Datastax is the underlying Cassandra library.


See LICENSE.txt for details. Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Thanh Ba Nguyen.

Third party libraries are distributed under their own licenses.


DDTH's CQL Utilities







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