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End user configuration

Crystal Spider edited this page Dec 6, 2024 · 6 revisions



List of in-game IDs of additional crops that are not supported out of the box.
The only crop found so far to need this is "neapolitan:adzuki_sprouts".

Must be a list of valid IDs surrounded by double quotes.
Defaults to ["neapolitan:adzuki_sprouts"]


List of in-game IDs for crops that under no condition can be right-click harvested.

Must be a list of valid IDs surrounded by double quotes.
Defaults to []

Game balancing

require hoe

Whether holding a hoe (either hands) is required to right-click harvest.

Must be a boolean value.
Defaults to false

damage on harvest

If require hoe is set to true, damage the hoe of the given amount (0 to disable).

Must be a non-negative integer.
Defaults to 0

exhaustion multiplier

Multiplier for the exhaustion caused when right-click harvesting (0 to disable, 1 for the same exhaustion regular block breaking causes).
Testing is advised. Follow the table below for some approximate info (note that a player has up to 20 hunger points):

Multiplier value Hunger points per crop harvested Crops required to deplete 1 hunger/saturation point
0.0 0 -
1.0 0.001 800
5.0 0.006 160
10.0 0.013 80
50.0 0.063 16
100.0 0.125 8
200.0 0.25 4
400.0 0.5 2

Must be a number between 0.0 and 400.0 (inclusive, decimal values allowed).
Defaults to 1.0

exp on harvest

Amount of experience points to grant on harvest (0 to disable).

Must be a non-negative integer.
Defaults to 0

gather drops

Whether to gather drops near the player when harvesting.
Especially useful when multi-harvesting.

Must be a boolean value.
Defaults to false



Ordered list of tiers.
Used to determine the tier level for the other configuration options below.
"none" is a special value that represents not using a tool.
The tier name is made of two parts: a namespace and a name.
The namespace is an optional mod ID to disambiguate materials with the same name added by different mods. The name needs to be the material name, e.g. "iron".

Before 1.21.3

The namespace is an optional mod ID and defaults to "minecraft" if not specified. The name can be either the tier name, e.g. "iron" (this is not granted to work aside from Vanilla tiers) or the tier tag, e.g. "incorrect_for_iron_tool".
Examples: "iron", "incorrect_for_iron_tool", "minecraft:iron", "minecraft:incorrect_for_iron_tool".

Before 1.21

This configuration option didn't exist because Minecraft Vanilla still had the concept of tiers, which has been removed since 1.21.
The order of tiers was automatically determined and included both Vanilla and modded tiers.

Must be a list of tiers (as defined above) surrounded by double quotes.
Defaults to ["none", "wood", "stone", "iron", "gold", "diamond", "netherite"]

multi-harvest starting tier

Tool tier starting from which it is possible to harvest multiple crops at once.
All tiers that cannot multi-harvest will have a 1x1 square area of effect (a single crop).
If starting harvest area size is set to "single" and area increment step to "none" multi-harvest will be effectively disabled, regardless of this config option value.
From lesser to greater, default Vanilla tiers are: "none", "wood", "stone", "iron", "gold", "diamond", "netherite".
When set to "none", multi-harvest will be enabled without a tool too. Note that require hoe takes precedence.
The tier name is made of two parts: a namespace and a name.
The namespace is an optional mod ID to disambiguate materials with the same name added by different mods. The name needs to be the material name, e.g. "iron".

Before 1.21.3

The namespace is an optional mod ID and defaults to "minecraft" if not specified. The name can be either the tier name, e.g. "iron" (this is not granted to work aside from Vanilla tiers) or the tier tag, e.g. "incorrect_for_iron_tool".
Examples: "iron", "incorrect_for_iron_tool", "minecraft:iron", "minecraft:incorrect_for_iron_tool".

Before 1.21

The tier can be specified with either the name of the tier, e.g. "iron", or the ID of the tier, e.g. "minecraft:iron".

Must be a tier (as defined above).
Defaults to "wood"

starting harvest area size

Starting multi-harvest area size (square side length).
The area is always a square centered on the right-clicked crop.
Setting this to "single" and area increment step to "none" will effectively disable multi-harvest.

  • "single": single harvest area size, a 1x1 square.
  • "medium": medium harvest area size, a 3x3 square.
  • "large": large harvest area size, a 5x5 square.

Allowed values (case insensitive): "single", "medium", "large".
Defaults to "SINGLE"

area increment step

Increment step for the harvest area size with higher tool tiers.
Setting this to "none" and starting harvest area size to "single" will effectively disable multi-harvest.

  • "none": no increment, the area stays the same (as defined by starting harvest area size) regardless of the tool used, if any.
  • "small": small increment, the size of the area, starting from starting harvest area size, increases by 2 with each higher tier. E.g. 1x1 -> 3x3 -> 5x5 -> ...
  • "medium": medium increment, the size of the area, starting from starting harvest area size, increases by 4 with each higher tier. E.g. 1x1 -> 5x5 -> 9x9 -> ...
  • "large": large increment, the size of the area, starting from starting harvest area size, increases by 6 with each higher tier. E.g. 1x1 -> 7x7 -> 13x13 -> ...

Allowed values (case insensitive): "none", "small", "medium", "large".
Defaults to "NONE"