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Removed 'Library' commands, due to the release of support for 'Custom Scripts' in Falcon Fusion workflows.

The existing library scripts are going to be re-formatted to be compatible with workflows, so that saving the scripts in your local Falcon instance will be used as the delivery mechanism, instead of requiring PSFalcon for it to work.
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bk-cs committed Jan 28, 2022
1 parent d76d9d2 commit d5f93ac
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Showing 4 changed files with 14 additions and 295 deletions.
41 changes: 13 additions & 28 deletions PSFalcon.psd1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -270,10 +270,6 @@

# psf-library.ps1

# psf-output.ps1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -442,31 +438,20 @@
* psf-library.ps1
New Functionality
* Created a GitHub-based Real-time Response library ( The list of available
scripts can be retrieved using 'Get-FalconLibrary'. Including a specific script name will output basic help
information about the script. Scripts can be run on one or more devices using 'Invoke-FalconLibrary'.
* Added the ability to cache a Humio Event Collector (using the relevant 'humio-structured' endpoint) to send
PSFalcon content to a Humio instance. A specific parser is not required because the content sent by PSFalcon
uses the documented Humio event structure.
* 'Register-FalconEventCollector' is used to define your Humio Event Collector, ingest token and the events
to log, 'Show-FalconEventCollector' can be used for confirmation, and 'Remove-FalconEventCollector' can
be used to disable logging.
* The 'Enable' parameter for 'Register-FalconEventCollector' defines the data that will be sent to Humio. Using
'requests' sends the full content of PSFalcon requests, 'responses' sends API responses, and 'library' sends
results from a Real-time Response library script directly from the host(s) to Humio, with #cid, #aid, #host
and #script tags appended.
* Added 'Send-FalconEvent' to use the results of a PSFalcon command to create Humio events. This allows
PSFalcon to work as a mechanism to ingest data from the CrowdStrike APIs directly into Humio on demand and does
not require a specific 'Enable' value under 'Register-FalconEventCollector'.
* Added the ability to PSFalcon content to a Humio instance. A specific parser is not required because the
content sent by PSFalcon uses the documented Humio event structure.
* 'Register-FalconEventCollector' is used to define your Humio cloud, ingest token and the events to log,
'Show-FalconEventCollector' can be used for confirmation, and 'Remove-FalconEventCollector' can be used to
disable logging.
* The 'Enable' parameter for 'Register-FalconEventCollector' defines the data that will be sent to Humio. The
value 'requests' sends PSFalcon requests while 'responses' sends API responses.
* Added 'Send-FalconEvent' to generate Humio events using the output of a PSFalcon command. This allows
PSFalcon to work as a mechanism to ingest data from the CrowdStrike APIs directly into Humio and does not
require a specific 'Enable' value under 'Register-FalconEventCollector'.
Command Changes
* Added 'group_names' as an 'Include' option for 'Get-FalconHost'. Requires 'host-group:read' permission.
Expand Down
90 changes: 0 additions & 90 deletions Private/Private.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -301,96 +301,6 @@ function Convert-Rfc3339 {
(Get-Date).AddHours($Hours),[Xml.XmlDateTimeSerializationMode]::Utc) -replace '\.\d+Z$','Z')"
function Get-LibraryScript {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
[string] $Name,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)]
[string] $Platform
begin {
$Authorization = if ($Script:Falcon.Api.Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization) {
# Capture current bearer token, then remove it before request to library
[void] $Script:Falcon.Api.Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Remove('Authorization')
$SHumio = @{
# 'shumio' function for sending data to Humio
Linux = $null
Mac = $null
Windows = 'function shumio($O,$C,$A){$B=$O|%{$I=@{};$_.PSObject.Properties|%{$I[$_.Name]=$_.Value};@' +
'{timestamp=(Get-Date -Format o);attributes=$I}};$Req=@{Uri=null;Method="post";Headers=@{Authori' +
'zation=null;ContentType="application/json"};Body=ConvertTo-Json @(@{tags=@{cid=$C;aid=$A;script' +
'=null};events=@($B)}) -Depth 8 -Compress};[void](iwr @Req -UseBasicParsing)}'
$Handling = @{
# Content for handling output after script
Linux = $null
Mac = $null
Windows = 'function anp($O,$N,$V){$O|%{$_.PSObject.Properties.Add((New-Object PSNoteProperty($N,$V))' +
')}}if(!$Obj){$Obj=@{error=null}};$R="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CrowdStrike\{9b03c1d9-3138-44ed-' +
'9fae-d9f4c034b88d}\{16e0423f-7058-48c9-a204-725362b67639}\Default";if(Test-Path "REGISTRY::\$R"' +
'){$K=reg query "$R";$C=(($K -match "CU") -split "REG_BINARY")[-1].Trim().ToLower();$A=(($K -mat' +
'ch "AG") -split "REG_BINARY")[-1].Trim().ToLower()};if (gcm shumio -EA 0){shumio $Obj $C $A};@(' +
'@("cid",$C),@("aid",$A)).foreach{anp $Obj $_[0] $_[1]};$Obj|ConvertTo-Json -Compress'
process {
if ($PSBoundParameters.Name -notmatch '\.(sh|ps1)$') {
# Set file extension, when not provided
$Extension = switch -Regex ($PSBoundParameters.Platform) {
'^(Linux|Mac)$' { 'sh' }
'^Windows$' { 'ps1' }
$PSBoundParameters.Name = @($PSBoundParameters.Name, $Extension) -join '.'
$FileString = "$(@($PSBoundParameters.Platform, $PSBoundParameters.Name) -join '/')"
if ($FileString) {
try {
# Make request and output result
$Request = $Script:Falcon.Api.Invoke(@{
Path = "$FileString"
Method = 'get'
Headers = @{ Accept = 'text/plain' }
if ($Request.Result.EnsureSuccessStatusCode() -and $Request.Result.Content) {
$Result = Write-Result -Request $Request
if ($Result -and $PSBoundParameters.Platform -eq 'Windows') {
$Output = if ($Result -match '\$Obj\s?=\s?Start-Process') {
'$Obj|ConvertTo-Json -Compress'
} else {
('error="no_' + (($PSBoundParameters.Name).Split('_',2)[-1] -replace '\.ps1',
$null) + '"')) | ForEach-Object {
if ($Script:Falcon.Api.Collector -and
$Script:Falcon.Api.Collector.Enable -contains 'library') {
"Authorization=`"Bearer $($Script:Falcon.Api.Collector.Token)`"").Replace(
'script=null',"script=`"$($PSBoundParameters.Name)`""),$_) -join ';'
} else {
@($Result,$Output) -join "`n"
} else {
} catch {}
end {
if ($Authorization) {
# Re-add existing bearer token
function Get-ParamSet {
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Public/psf-humio.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ function Register-FalconEventCollector {
[string] $Token,

[Parameter(ValueFromPipeLineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 3)]
[array] $Enable
process {
Expand Down
176 changes: 0 additions & 176 deletions Public/psf-library.ps1

This file was deleted.

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