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Merge pull request #250 from CrowdStrike/2.2.3
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bk-cs authored Oct 31, 2022
2 parents aec9f45 + 0676fff commit 2d73687
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Showing 61 changed files with 799 additions and 682 deletions.
107 changes: 47 additions & 60 deletions PSFalcon.psd1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
RootModule = 'PSFalcon.psm1'
ModuleVersion = '2.2.2'
ModuleVersion = '2.2.3'
CompatiblePSEditions = @('Desktop','Core')
GUID = 'd893eb9f-f6bb-4a40-9caf-aaff0e42acd1'
Author = 'Brendan Kremian'
CompanyName = 'CrowdStrike'
Copyright = '(c) CrowdStrike. All rights reserved.'
Description = 'PowerShell for the CrowdStrike Falcon OAuth2 APIs'
HelpInfoURI = ''
HelpInfoURI = ''
PowerShellVersion = '5.1'
RequiredAssemblies = @('System.Net.Http')
ScriptsToProcess = @('Class/Class.ps1')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,6 +318,7 @@

# psf-policies
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -413,6 +414,10 @@

# ti

# user-management
Expand All @@ -439,87 +444,69 @@
ReleaseNotes = "@
New Commands
* cloud-connect-azure.ps1
* cloud-connect-cspm-azure.ps1
* mobile-enrollment.ps1
* psf-policies
* psf-devices.ps1
* user-management.ps1
* ti
General Changes
* Re-organized public functions into files named for their URL prefix rather than their respective Swagger
collection (which sometimes would match the prefix and sometimes wouldn't). Because of the number of endpoints
that fell under 'policy', it is segmented into specific files.
* Created 'Confirm-Property' private function to filter [hashtable] and [PSCustomObject] into pre-defined
properties containing values.
* The public 'users.ps1' and 'user-roles.ps1' files have been consolidated under 'user-management.ps1' and merged
with new /user-management/ endpoints.
* Updated comment-based help to link directly to specific wiki pages for each command. Using 'Get-Help <command>
-Online' will launch the appropriate wiki page. These pages will be updated with current examples present within
existing wiki pages, and those pages will be re-organized.
* Updated IPv4 regex used by 'Test-RegexValue' private function.
* Modified 'Get-ParamSet' private function to look for 'ids' and 'samples' as potential body values to break into
groups of 'Max' values, instead of only 'ids'.
* Streamlined looping functionality (used with '-All' parameter). Updated all commands to output groups of
results as they are retrieved instead of the entire result set at the end of a loop. Also verified that
authorization tokens are properly refreshed during a long running loop.
* Updated Falcon X references to Falcon Intelligence due to product name change.
Command Changes
* Modified 'Add-FalconSensorTag' and 'Remove-FalconSensorTag' to include the uninstall token of the target device
and while adding and removing sensor tags with 'CsSensorSettings.exe' on Windows sensor versions v6.42 and above.
* Modified 'Get-FalconSensorTag' to return the 'FalconSensorTags' values listed in a devices API response if the
target device is Windows sensor version 6.42 or above. If 'CsSensorSettings.exe' is updated to include a method
to 'get' sensor tags, 'Get-FalconSensorTag' will use that method in the future.
* Updated 'Invoke-FalconIdentityGraph' to no longer modify the GraphQL statement when attempting to use '-All' for
pagination. Renamed 'Query' parameter to 'String' and made it work for both query and mutation statements but
kept 'Query' as an alias. Now, when your statement includes a 'Cursor' variable definition and the required
'pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor }' properties, '-All' will automatically paginate results. If either of those
requirements are missing, a warning message will be displayed and pagination will not occur.
* Removed mandatory requirement for 'TenantId' parameter within the 'Get-FalconDiscoverAzureAccount' command.
* Modified 'Get-FalconUser' to remove deprecated API when using 'Username' parameter. 'Username' now submits
filtered searches for provided 'uid' values to the appropriate /user-management/ API.
* Updated 'Invoke-FalconAlertAction' to use the new v2 endpoint which includes formatting corrections.
* Added 'Max' of 1,000 sha256 values for 'New-FalconQuickScan'.
* Based on code provided by @SleepySysadmin, 'Invoke-FalconIdentityGraph' now has an '-All' parameter when using
* Added 'sha256' as a PipelineByPropertyName value for 'New-FalconQuickScan' to support pipeline input from
When used with a query that includes 'pageInfo{endCursor hasNextPage}', results will be paginated automatically
and only relevant data will be output (similar to the rest of the PSFalcon commands) instead of the entire
* Added pattern validation to 'Remove-FalconUser' for the 'Id' parameter.
'-All' will automatically be added if a query begins with (`$after: Cursor) and has 'after' in the query
parameters, as it is assumed that all results are expected.
* Modified 'Status' parameter for 'Edit-FalconDetection' to support ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName and changed
parameter to position 3.
If 'pageInfo' is not provided in the query and '-All' is specified, a warning message will be generated.
* Modified 'Edit-FalconSensorUpdatePolicy' and 'New-FalconSensorUpdatePolicy' to filter out properties with
empty string values in order to prevent errors when creating and/or modifying Sensor Update policies.
A query without '-All' will produce the same results as earlier versions of the module.
* Added '-Mutation' parameter to 'Invoke-FalconIdentityGraph'.
* Updated 'Add-FalconRole', 'Edit-FalconUser', 'Get-FalconUser', 'New-FalconUser', 'Remove-FalconRole', and
'Remove-FalconUser', to use new /user-management/ endpoints where appropriate. These commands behave as they
did before, unless using additional parameters to signify that requests are being performed within a
multi-CID environment.
* 'Get-FalconRole' has been updated to produce results from new /user-management/ endpoints.
* Modified 'Import-FalconConfig' to prevent an attempt to modify a policy when the policy was not successfully
created earlier in the import process. Also ensured that the precedence warnings when existing policies were
found would only be displayed once.
Resolved Issues
* Issue #170: 'Invoke-Loop' changes should eliminate token failures during retrieval of large result sets.
* Issue #222: Updated comparison process to ensure an imported policy would be properly added to the list of
items to be modified, whether or not it was going to be created. Removed existing copy policy operation from
creation process.
* Issue #241: Updated 'Confirm-Parameter' to eliminate 'Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Array'. Key cannot
be null. (Parameter 'key')' errors generated when using 'Import-FalconConfig'.
* Issue #223: Removed extraneous 'Endpoint' definition that was generating an error.
* Issue #242: Modified 'Edit-FalconDetection' to check whether a 'status' value is present with a 'comment' value
during command execution rather than during parameter validation. This will prevent errors from occurring when
parameters are specified in an unexpected order.
* Issue #231: Corrected addition of 'FirewallRule' when using 'Export-FalconConfig -Item FirewallGroup'. This fix
should also resolve issues when exporting 'HostGroup' and a singular 'exclusion' item.
* Issue #246: Created 'Confirm-Property' function to properly filter 'Rule' content for both [hashtable] and
[PSCustomObject] rules. This will eliminate errors caused by [hashtable] objects being improperly filtered
in PowerShell 5.1.
* Issue #232: Re-added 'Outfile' designation for 'Path' parameter in 'Receive-FalconArtifact'. This should have
been present and was accidentally removed in an earlier module version.
* Issue #247: Updated 'Write-Warning' to use a PSCmdlet method in order to properly support 'WarningVariable'.
Expand Down
Binary file added Policy/linux.json
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Policy/mac.json
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added Policy/windows.json
Binary file not shown.
82 changes: 55 additions & 27 deletions Private/Private.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -274,34 +274,59 @@ function Confirm-Parameter {
# Match property name with parameter name
[string]$Parameter = if ($Format -and $Format.$_) { $Format.$_ } else { $_ }
if ($Object.$_) {
# Verify that 'ValidValues' contains provided value
[string[]]$ValidValues = Get-ValidValues $Command $Endpoint $Parameter
if ($Object.$_ -is [array]) {
foreach ($Item in $Object.$_) {
if ($ValidValues -notcontains $Item) { "'$Item' is not a valid '$_' value. $ObjectString" }
if ($Content) {
# Match property name with parameter name
[string]$Parameter = if ($Format -and $Format.$_) { $Format.$_ } else { $_ }
if ($Object.$_) {
# Verify that 'ValidValues' contains provided value
[string[]]$ValidValues = Get-ValidValues $Command $Endpoint $Parameter
if ($ValidValues) {
if ($Object.$_ -is [array]) {
foreach ($Item in $Object.$_) {
if ($ValidValues -notcontains $Item) {
"'$Item' is not a valid '$_' value. $ObjectString"
} elseif ($ValidValues -notcontains $Object.$_) {
throw "'$($Object.$_)' is not a valid '$_' value. $ObjectString"
} elseif ($ValidValues -notcontains $Object.$_) {
throw "'$($Object.$_)' is not a valid '$_' value. $ObjectString"
# Match property name with parameter name
[string]$Parameter = if ($Format -and $Format.$_) { $Format.$_ } else { $_ }
if ($Object.$_) {
# Verify provided value matches 'ValidPattern'
$ValidPattern = Get-ValidPattern $Command $Endpoint $Parameter
if ($Object.$_ -notmatch $ValidPattern) {
throw "'$($Object.$_)' is not a valid '$_' value. $ObjectString"
if ($Pattern) {
# Match property name with parameter name
[string]$Parameter = if ($Format -and $Format.$_) { $Format.$_ } else { $_ }
if ($Object.$_) {
# Verify provided value matches 'ValidPattern'
$ValidPattern = Get-ValidPattern $Command $Endpoint $Parameter
if ($ValidPattern -and $Object.$_ -notmatch $ValidPattern) {
throw "'$($Object.$_)' is not a valid '$_' value. $ObjectString"
function Confirm-Property {
process {
foreach ($Item in $Object) {
# Filter to defined properties containing values
[string[]]$Select = @($Property).foreach{ if ($Item.$_) { $_ } }
if ($Select) { [PSCustomObject]$Item | Select-Object $Select }
function Convert-Rfc3339 {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -366,8 +391,11 @@ function Get-ParamSet {
# Output maximum, no greater than 500
$Max = if ($IdCount -and $IdCount -lt 500) { $IdCount } else { 500 }
# Get 'Content' from user input
# Get 'Content' from user input and find identifier field
$Content = Build-Content -Inputs $Inputs -Format $Format
[string]$Field = if ($Content.Body) {
if ($Content.Body.ids) { 'ids' } elseif ($Content.Body.samples) { 'samples' }
process {
if ($Content.Query -and ($Content.Query | Measure-Object).Count -gt $Max) {
Expand All @@ -387,23 +415,23 @@ function Get-ParamSet {
} elseif ($Content.Body -and ($Content.Body.ids | Measure-Object).Count -gt $Max) {
Write-Verbose "[Get-ParamSet] Creating groups of $Max 'ids'"
for ($i = 0; $i -lt ($Content.Body.ids | Measure-Object).Count; $i += $Max) {
# Split 'Body' content into groups using 'ids'
} elseif ($Content.Body -and $Field -and ($Content.Body.$Field | Measure-Object).Count -gt $Max) {
Write-Verbose "[Get-ParamSet] Creating groups of $Max '$Field' values"
for ($i = 0; $i -lt ($Content.Body.$Field | Measure-Object).Count; $i += $Max) {
# Split 'Body' content into groups using '$Field'
$Split = $Switches.Clone()
$Split.Endpoint.Add('Body',@{ ids = $Content.Body.ids[$i..($i + ($Max - 1))] })
$Split.Endpoint.Add('Body',@{ $Field = $Content.Body.$Field[$i..($i + ($Max - 1))] })
$Content.GetEnumerator().Where({ $_.Value }).foreach{
# Add values other than 'Body.ids'
# Add values other than 'Body.$Field'
if ($_.Key -eq 'Query') {
$Split.Endpoint.Path += if ($Split.Endpoint.Path -match '\?') {
"&$($_.Value -join '&')"
} else {
"?$($_.Value -join '&')"
} elseif ($_.Key -eq 'Body') {
($_.Value).GetEnumerator().Where({ $_.Key -ne 'ids' }).foreach{
($_.Value).GetEnumerator().Where({ $_.Key -ne $Field }).foreach{
} else {
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Public/alerts.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Repeat requests until all available results are retrieved
Display total result count instead of results
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Value for the chosen action
Alert identifier
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions Public/cloud-connect-aws.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Requires 'AWS Accounts: Write'.
AWS account identifier
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Maximum number of requests within 'RateLimitTime'
AWS account identifier
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ Repeat requests until all available results are retrieved
Display total result count instead of results
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ Retrieve Global Settings Falcon Discover for Cloud AWS accounts
Requires 'AWS Accounts: Read'.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ Maximum number of requests within 'RateLimitTime'
AWS account identifier
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Requires 'AWS Accounts: Write'.
AWS account identifier
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ AWS account identifier containing cloudtrail logs
.PARAMETER StaticExternalId
Default external identifier to apply to AWS accounts
Expand Down

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