A collaborative curated list of awesome Creatures development resources, tools, tutorials and other related stuff.
Tools for Creatures Development
- Jagent - Jagent is a suite for manipulating Creatures 3 and Docking Station agents. It consists of a sprite tool (Edos) and a PRAY tool (Monk).
- Monastery - Monastery is a tool that can compile multiple agents into one agent file.
- CDN Tools (hosted on eemfoo) - A Mirror of all the official Creatures Development Network Tools and resources.
- CaosPlugin - Plugin that aims to provide CAOS and agent editing for a variety of Creatures variants to the IntelliJ IDE by JetBrains.
- Theist - A tool for creating and compiling agents with all the modern conveniences and no need for PRAY files.
- Spritist - Sprite utility for C0, C1, C2, and C3DS, with file support for SPR, S16, C16, GIF, PNG, and more.
- Roomie - A metaroom editor for C3DS. Includes PNG-to-BLK conversion, CA emitters, and favorite place icons.
Websites and/or Pages focusing on different aspects of Creatures Development
- Creatures Development Network (archive 2014) - Official CDN Website, stored in the Web Archive!
Tutorials and Guides on Creatures Development
- A Guide to Mac Agenteering - A guide to making agents for Creatures 3 and Docking Station using Theist.
- Tutorials at the Creatures Wiki - A list of tutorials available at the Creatures Wiki. Look out for the basics series!
- C3 Bootstrap V2 - A version of the C3 bootstrap with comments in the code.
- Balloon Maker Tutorial - Official tutorial, how to make a vendor.
- Learn to PRAY - Tutorial by hausmouse, teaching how to use PRAY.
Creatures development related Stuff that does not fit into another Category
- Eem Foo's Archive - Creatures Archival Project. All kinds of Creatures related Stuff is archived here, including development resources and tools.
- Creatures Development Standards - A community-maintained document of development standards for agents to help ensure consistency.
- Caos Coding Cave - Creatures Development Discord Server! Network and chat with Creatures developers and die hard fans!