Release 1.8.1
This version main focus was to make so I could upload 1.8 version features to Google Play. Google play has introduced some features, that has needed to be changed - storage framework. I had to completely rewrite a logging saving logic for devices with API >= 30 (android 11) But while doing that, there was some pull requests from community member, which some of them I also included in this release:
- Decode flight modes from MAVLink
- Notification message fix
- Added phone battery indicator (useful in fullscreen mode)
- Attitude pitch was inverted in horizon view
- Fullscreen mode now saved until turned off
- Maintain fulllscreen mode in replay dialog
- fixed: application gets frozen after orientation change
- fixed crash in sensors settings dialog
- adjusted icons alignment and paddings
- Cell voltage is not shown anymore if it is 0
- Round values to 2 digits