Stylish-Select - jQuery plugin by [scottdarby] (
A cross-browser, accessible alternative to the standard form select element which can be fully customised with CSS.
The author of the plugin doesn't have enough time to maintain this pretty work but many people are still waiting for some bugfixes and enhancements. This fork is just an attempt to support the plugin. You can also help the author too ;-)
- Options must be visible even if select is disabled.
- Arrows keys didn't work in IE7/8 after the plugin initialization ([#41] (scottdarby#41)).
- Fixed bug when selectors getting height equal to zero in hidden containers ([#31] (scottdarby#31), [#38] (scottdarby#38)).
- 'newListSelActive' class added for the active state of the container.
- Added callbacks 'onCreate' and 'onChange'.
Here you can always find the latest minified version of the plugin.