A command line tool to encode and decode text using a randomized cipher written in Python.
I do not recommend using this program for any security or privacy critical purposes. I am not specialized in cryptography or security. This is a hobby project that I thought was cool.
Encoding generated with this program is not compatible with RandomAlphabet or vice-versa.
If installed on your system, you run as randomalphabet
with valid arguments from any directory.
If not installed, run python3 randomalphabet
from this git project root directory.
To view command line arguments and options use randomalphabet -h
or randomalphabet --help
To install without a distro specific package, run make install
from the project root directory.
You can install it from my PPA.
To add the repository to your system, run:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:corruptedark/ppa
sudo apt update
After adding the repository, install the package with:
sudo apt install python3-randomalphabet
First install software-properties-common
Then to add the repository to your system, run:
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/corruptedark/ppa/ubuntu focal main\ndeb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/corruptedark/ppa/ubuntu focal main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/corruptedark.list'
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys E2BA18922C0D6991
sudo apt update
After adding the repository, install the package with:
sudo apt install python3-randomalphabet
On Red Hat and Fedora based distros you can install the .rpm package once it is released.
To build a .deb package, first install the package stdeb
either from apt or pip3.
Next, run make deb
from this project root directory.
To build a .rpm package, first install the package rpmdevtools
from dnf.
Next, run make rpm
from this project root directory.