This service is a cron job that it's purpose is deleting investigations that are completed and haven't been touched for at least 60 days.
After youv'e installed the packages and configured all the environment variables like the Configuration section explains run
npm start
and the service have been initiated!
- cron
- pg for node
- Node
- Git
Clone the project and install the dependencies using the following commands
git clone
cd Investigation-Delete-Service/
npm install
initiate the environment variables that are mentioned in the .env-sample with the values you need:
- CONNECTION_STRING = connection string to the DB structured by this npm package readme pg-connection-string readme
- CONNECTIONS_COUNT = the connection count you want to the DB
- MIN_DAYS_TO_REMOVE = the minimum days count in order to delete an investigation
- CRON_JOB_TIMING = timing string to the cron job using this guide
- ENVIRONMENT = your environment local/dev/test/prod
- SHOULD_POST_TO_AZURE = true/false if you want to post the logs to azure application insights
- INSTRUMENTATION_KEY = ask one of the developers for the key 😁
- PORT = the port that the dummy server should run on
Good Luck! 😀