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Export the hitcircle

Corne2Plum3 edited this page Dec 16, 2020 · 2 revisions

Export the hitcircles

You can export the files using the button "Export as ZIP file". In this ZIP you will find:

  • hitcircle.png
  • hitcircleoverlay.png
  • sliderstartcircle.png and sliderstartcircleoverlay.png if Same slider circles than hitcircle is disabled.
  • default-n.png where n is a number between 0 and 9.
  • ...and maybe other things.

All elements are exported in their standard version and their @2x version, used in high resolution screens for better quality.

Export settings

  • Export skin.ini: if this option is checked, the editor will generate and add the skin.ini file into the ZIP with all lines you can see in the editor.

Note: if you export with the skin.ini, you can paste the generated folder into the Skins folder of your osu! game: you have already a playable skin! But only hitcircle are customized...

  • Circles are slider end: By default, the end of sliders have the same appearance than the hitcircle circle (even if sliders end have a different appearance than hitcircles). The editor will by default delete this circle by adding a transparent file called sliderendcircle.png to remove it, except if you check this option.

Default slider

Example with the default skin and his slider-end circle.

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