- e36be0f: Better processors design document (#1279) (@lovromazgon)
- 96481ff: Block profile (#1301) (@lovromazgon)
- d2dbf4a: Bump s3 connector to v0.5.1 (#1315) (@lyuboxa)
- abaaf49: Convert provision config pipelines into model yaml (#1278) (@lyuboxa)
- f95c941: Improve builtin plugin sandbox (#1380) (@lovromazgon)
- afc939c: Increase length limit for ID and Name for pipeline (128) and connector (256) (#1331) (@lovromazgon)
- 92142fd: Take golangci-lint version from go.mod (#1300) (@lovromazgon)
- cf84e59: Update Dockerfile to remove health check (#1335) (@lyuboxa)
- 76e801e: Update connector list to point to conduit.io (#1334) (@lovromazgon)
- 6a3fe41: Use OpenCDC proto from conduit-commons (#1330) (@lovromazgon)
- b65713a: Use goccy/go-json instead of encoding/json (#1383) (@hariso)
- 01fafc5: Validate connector name and pipeline description through API (#1242) (@AdamHaffar)
- bda52d4: add periods as allowed ids + fix http log (#1307) (@maha-hajja)
- 2c3dfaf: conditional processor execution (#1349) (@maha-hajja)
- e06af99: downgrade container policy action to v2.1.2 (#1293) (@lovromazgon)
- 442f8ee: execute processor condition template (#1352) (@maha-hajja)
- dccde3f: fix: OpenCDC unwrap (#1343) (@samirketema)
- deb2907: fix: ellipsis connector text (#1394) (@jmar910)
- f3fbcc7: fix: opencdc unwrap (#1355) (@raulb)
- f71d078: fix: unwrap openCDC records on create and update (#1362) (@raulb)
- c149030: refactor: opencdc test examples (#1363) (@raulb)
- 2e2fde6: upgrade kafka connector to v0.7.1 (#1341) (@samirketema)
Docker images
To pull the image, you can execute the following command:
docker pull ghcr.io/conduitio/conduit:v0.8.1