This is an Oauth2 server that will authenticate anyone, no questions asked. I wrote this to test and demonstrate single-sign-on for the Xshield portal without requiring an actual IdP.
The instructions below are for deployment on a stock Ubuntu 22.04 server, with updates applied.
Clone this repo to /home/ubuntu/null-idp
git clone /home/ubuntu/null-idp
cd /home/ubuntu/null-idp
Create a virtual environment and install the required python packages:
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a .env file in /home/ubuntu. Change XS_DOMAIN if you are not in the North American zone
IDP_DOMAIN="<your FQDN (https)>"
XS_CLIENT_SECRET="<your secret here>"
Create a directory for logging:
sudo mkdir /var/log/null-idp
sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu /var/log/null-idp
Update the paths of the SSL key and cert files in
18 # SSL key and cert for your domain
19 keyfile = "./null-idp.key"
20 certfile = "./null-idp.crt"
Copy the systemd startup script, enable it and start the service:
sudo cp systemd/null-idp.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl enable null-idp.service
sudo systemctl start null-idp.service
NOTE: Open port 5000/tcp on your firewall to allow inbound traffic from the Xshield portal
Configure Oauth 2.0 in Xshield as shown below: