This is an extension application for demonstration purpose, for the project titled "FunF to WoTKit" (EECE 496 final project).
###Install XAMPP Apache needs to be running in order for this app to work. The easiest way is to install XAMPP.
- Install the latest version of XAMPP at:
- Once installed, start Apache
###Setup Kurogo
- Be sure to have GIT install on computer, as well as a GitHub account. Details as to how that can be set up can be found at: 2. Find the folder htdoc in where XAMPP is installed, create a new folder named Kurogo 3. Once GIT is installed, clone the repository into the directory Kurogo: 4. Follow all the steps labeled under “Installation” at 5. Start XAMPP Apache 6. Open browser, visit localhost/hello to see if application runs