This library makes it easy to implement the 'Karmamuur' on
The library has no dependencies and follows the 'Module Pattern'. Read more about it here:
Download or clone the repository to your project folder. Include the following line before the last </body>
<script src="topcontent.js"></script>
Last step and you're ready to go! Add an element to your HTML code and give it an ID. This is where the library will output its generated HTML.
<div id="topContent">
There are several option available to customize topcontent.js to your likings.
topContent.setTitle(); //Set the titel of the library Default = 'Default titel'
topContent.setColumns(); //Range from 1 to 3 in column with Default = 2
topContent.setTopContentData(); //The data object that you want to use Default = A (dummy)Default data object;; //Show the HTML output in target element Default = 'topContent'
Set the options like below. If you don't set them, they will use default values.
topContent.setTitle('New Title');
After this just call the following lines to activate the library and show the content.'myID'); //make sure the ID excists in your HTML file