Android provides you an application framework to innovate apps and games, and you will also pick up Java while learning Android development. With the help of these useful resources online, it is way easier for you to enter the world of Android Development. Here are some websites you might want to take a look!
- Android Learning Guide-Learn Android Online
- Tutorial-Android Tutorials for Beginners and Programmers
- Android UI Tutorial: Layouts and Animations
- Getting Started with Android UI Design, Best Layout Practices, and More
- 10 Things to Think About Before You Go Mobile
- What’s New in Android 5.0 Lollipop SDK
- 5 Ways to Make Learning Android Development Easier
- How to Safely Implement Hybrid HTML5 Android Applications
- What’s New in Android 5.0 Lollipop SDK
- Android: How to send interface from one activity to another
- Non freezing sleep in android app
- Android application with phonegap that run websocket in background service
- How to combine an imageview with some text in listview
- Returning true and false in OnTouch?
- Need clarification on how the native Navigation Drawer works with Fragments
- OnKeyDown inside WebView fragment
- Android: Content provider best practices
- Display dates in multiple fragments
- Android item swiping on listview
- RecyclerView - how can I get a reference to each row's View
- Listview and Action bar TRANSPARENT in android
- Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
- Professional Android 4 Application
- The Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development
- Programming Android