Simple WYSIWYG editor which uses content editables to create rich text content.
The system relies on a few primary files to function as expected.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="writersblock/css/writersblock.css">
Styles should be loaded in the head, as part of the other media resources for your app.
<script type="text/javascript" src="writersblock/js/writersblock.js"></script>
Scripts should be loaded in the footer, with any additional files your app requires. This should be loaded before initializing the system.
Font Awesome
<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
If you do want to use the default Font-Awesome icons, ensure you load your Font Awesome 5 Kit
The system supports two starting element types, specifically, textarea
and contenteditable
. Both options will be converted into a standardized editor, which uses content editable functionality.
Below is an example of a bear-bones textarea
which we will add some default content to:
<textarea class="writersblock" placeholder="Start writing here..." name="article_content" disabled="disabled"><strong>Example heading</strong><p>This is an example of some content</p></textarea>
WritersBlock uses class based architecture, which means you can initialize the system as seen below:
<script type="text/javascript">
const editor = new WritersBlock('.writersblock');
Your editor will then be shown as seen below:
There are various configuration options which can be adjusted, these should be passed as a second paramarter (object
const editor = new WritersBlock('.writersblock', {
enableResize : false,
enableToolbar false,
You can find a full list of options below:
Option | Type | Default | Description |
enableLogs | Boolean | false | If true, will log errors, warnings, and info messages in the console |
enableResize | Boolean | true | If true, the content editable will be resizable via a handle |
enableToolbar | Boolean | true | If true, shows the toolbar above the editor |
enablePopup | Boolean | true | If true, shows the popup quick toolbar for basic editing, depends on a selection |
enabledTools | Array | false | If set, only show/enable these tools. Should be a list of tool 'slug' names as defined in the tools list |
customTools | Array | false | An array containing objects, which define new groups/tools to be added to the system, see the custom tools section for more information |
popupTools | Array | 'bold', 'italic', 'underline' | List of tools to be shown in the popup toolbar when a user makes a selection |
placeholder | String | '' | Set a custom placeholder, if empty, prefers the placeholder attribute |
content | String | '' | The content to load by default in the editor, if empty, prefer the HTML content of the element the editor is bound to |
predictionMode | int | PREDICTION_MODE_OFF | The prediction mode to follow, defaults to PREDICTION_MODE_OFF , supports, PREDICTION_MODE_WORD and PREDICTION_MODE_SENTENCE . Can be set to a function, which must set a selection in the window to reflect the prediction sample |
predictionPolicy | int | PREDICTION_POLICY_PARTIAL | The prediction policy, defaults to partial matches, however, can be set to a function which must return a boolean reflecting whether or not the sample matches the current phrase according to custom conditions |
predictions | Array | function | false |
Popup tools will be shown whenever a user makes a selection within the editor:
These can be altered using the 'popupTools' property in the config, for example:
const editor = new WritersBlock('.writersblock', {
popupTools : ['bold', 'h1', 'h2'],
This would produce a new popup:
You could also add custom tool slugs to this tool system if you preferred.
Registering a custom tool can be done via the configuration object:
const editor = new WritersBlock('.writersblock', {
customTools : [
tag : 'custom-content-group',
tools : {
'cutsom-generate' : {
text : 'EXP',
title : 'Expand',
shortcut : {
commandKey: true,
shiftKey: true,
actionKey : 'Enter'
action : (editor) => {console.log(editor.getSelection().toString()); }
This will add a new EXP
menu item, which will console log the current selection to the window.
You will notice we first create a new group
as seen here:
tag : 'custom-content-group',
tools : {
/* Tools listed here */
Selecting an existing tag
will add the tool within the relevat group in the toolbar instead.
Tool definitions can include the following options, each one should have a unique key:
Key | Value |
text | The text label to be shown |
icon | The icon (wrapped in an i tag to be used instead of text |
title | The title to be shown on hover |
shortcut | String if the shortcode is automatic, like undo. An object, defining a new shortcut (keyboard) if preferred. If so, you can create rules for commandKey (CTRL/Command), shiftKey and actionKey |
action | The default action or a function which will perform some custom logic |
Writers block includes the following default tools:
Key | Description |
undo | Undo a recent action |
redo | Redo a recent action |
p | Add or wrap selection as a paragraph tag |
blockquote | Add or wrap selection as a blockquote tag |
h1 | Add or wrap selection as a H1 tag |
h2 | Add or wrap selection as a H2 tag |
bold | Format text as bold |
italic | Format text as italic |
underline | Format text as underlined |
strikeThrough | Format text as striked |
justifyLeft | Align text left |
justifyCenter | Align text center |
justifyRight | Align text right |
justifyFull | Align text justified |
outdent | Outdent text |
indent | Indent text |
createlink | Create a link (Shows built in modal) |
unlink | Remove link formatting |
insertImage | Create a image (Shows built in modal) |
insertUnorderedList | Add an unordered list |
insertOrderedList | Add an ordered list |
insertHorizontalRule | Add a horizontal rule |
removeFormat | Remove formatting |
Additional custom tools can be defined easily, and existing tools can be overridden entirely if preferred.