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WritersBlock JS

Simple WYSIWYG editor which uses content editables to create rich text content.


The system relies on a few primary files to function as expected.


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="writersblock/css/writersblock.css">

Styles should be loaded in the head, as part of the other media resources for your app.


<script type="text/javascript" src="writersblock/js/writersblock.js"></script>

Scripts should be loaded in the footer, with any additional files your app requires. This should be loaded before initializing the system.

Font Awesome

<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

If you do want to use the default Font-Awesome icons, ensure you load your Font Awesome 5 Kit


The system supports two starting element types, specifically, textarea and contenteditable. Both options will be converted into a standardized editor, which uses content editable functionality.

Below is an example of a bear-bones textarea which we will add some default content to:

<textarea class="writersblock" placeholder="Start writing here..." name="article_content" disabled="disabled"><strong>Example heading</strong><p>This is an example of some content</p></textarea>


WritersBlock uses class based architecture, which means you can initialize the system as seen below:

<script type="text/javascript">
	const editor = new WritersBlock('.writersblock');

Your editor will then be shown as seen below: image

Basic Options

There are various configuration options which can be adjusted, these should be passed as a second paramarter (object):

const editor = new WritersBlock('.writersblock', {
  enableResize : false,
  enableToolbar false,

You can find a full list of options below:

Option Type Default Description
enableLogs Boolean false If true, will log errors, warnings, and info messages in the console
enableResize Boolean true If true, the content editable will be resizable via a handle
enableToolbar Boolean true If true, shows the toolbar above the editor
enablePopup Boolean true If true, shows the popup quick toolbar for basic editing, depends on a selection
enabledTools Array false If set, only show/enable these tools. Should be a list of tool 'slug' names as defined in the tools list
customTools Array false An array containing objects, which define new groups/tools to be added to the system, see the custom tools section for more information
popupTools Array 'bold', 'italic', 'underline' List of tools to be shown in the popup toolbar when a user makes a selection
placeholder String '' Set a custom placeholder, if empty, prefers the placeholder attribute
content String '' The content to load by default in the editor, if empty, prefer the HTML content of the element the editor is bound to
predictionMode int PREDICTION_MODE_OFF The prediction mode to follow, defaults to PREDICTION_MODE_OFF, supports, PREDICTION_MODE_WORD and PREDICTION_MODE_SENTENCE. Can be set to a function, which must set a selection in the window to reflect the prediction sample
predictionPolicy int PREDICTION_POLICY_PARTIAL The prediction policy, defaults to partial matches, however, can be set to a function which must return a boolean reflecting whether or not the sample matches the current phrase according to custom conditions
predictions Array function false

Popup Tools

Popup tools will be shown whenever a user makes a selection within the editor:


These can be altered using the 'popupTools' property in the config, for example:

const editor = new WritersBlock('.writersblock', {
  popupTools : ['bold', 'h1', 'h2'],

This would produce a new popup: image

You could also add custom tool slugs to this tool system if you preferred.

Custom Tools

Registering a custom tool can be done via the configuration object:

const editor = new WritersBlock('.writersblock', {
  customTools : [
				tag : 'custom-content-group',
				tools : {
					'cutsom-generate' : {
						text : 'EXP',
						title : 'Expand',
						shortcut : {
							commandKey: true,
							shiftKey: true,
							actionKey : 'Enter'
						action : (editor) => {console.log(editor.getSelection().toString()); }

This will add a new EXP menu item, which will console log the current selection to the window.

You will notice we first create a new group as seen here:

  tag : 'custom-content-group',
  tools : {
    /* Tools listed here */

Selecting an existing tag will add the tool within the relevat group in the toolbar instead.

Tool definitions can include the following options, each one should have a unique key:

Key Value
text The text label to be shown
icon The icon (wrapped in an i tag to be used instead of text
title The title to be shown on hover
shortcut String if the shortcode is automatic, like undo. An object, defining a new shortcut (keyboard) if preferred. If so, you can create rules for commandKey (CTRL/Command), shiftKey and actionKey
action The default action or a function which will perform some custom logic

Default Tools

Writers block includes the following default tools:

Key Description
undo Undo a recent action
redo Redo a recent action
p Add or wrap selection as a paragraph tag
blockquote Add or wrap selection as a blockquote tag
h1 Add or wrap selection as a H1 tag
h2 Add or wrap selection as a H2 tag
bold Format text as bold
italic Format text as italic
underline Format text as underlined
strikeThrough Format text as striked
justifyLeft Align text left
justifyCenter Align text center
justifyRight Align text right
justifyFull Align text justified
outdent Outdent text
indent Indent text
createlink Create a link (Shows built in modal)
unlink Remove link formatting
insertImage Create a image (Shows built in modal)
insertUnorderedList Add an unordered list
insertOrderedList Add an ordered list
insertHorizontalRule Add a horizontal rule
removeFormat Remove formatting

Additional custom tools can be defined easily, and existing tools can be overridden entirely if preferred.


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