Use JSS for styling your Svelte and Sapper apps.
npm install svelte-jss --dev
yarn add svelte-jss --dev
Note: it's important to install the package as a dev dependency, otherwise you will run into a weird error.
Svelte component example: Input.svelte
import { useStyles } from 'svelte-jss';
const styles = useStyles({
input: {
border: '1px solid #eee',
boxSizing: 'border-box',
padding: '1em',
'&:focus': {
outline: 'none',
width: '100%',
<input class={styles.input} />
Use a svelte store to hold your styles and reactive statements in your components to update dynamically whenever the value of the store changes:
import { useStyles } from 'svelte-jss';
import { myCustomThemeStore } from './my/custom/theme.js';
$: styles = useStyles($myCustomThemeStore);
<input class={styles.input} />
To enable SSR of the JSS styles used in any of your Svelte components you just need
to render the Jss
component after all other components like this:
For example in your routes/_layout.svelte
import Jss from "svelte-jss/Jss.svelte";
<div class="container">
<!-- Include after all other components -->
<Jss />
ensures that only styles that are actually used are included in your SSR.
Setup JSS plugins before any components using jss are mounted.
E.g: in the script area of the _layout.svelte
import jss from 'jss';
import jssPresetDefault from 'jss-preset-default';
<!-- Your components -->