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1. Purpose

burritobrittany edited this page Aug 16, 2020 · 6 revisions

The CIRN-Quantitative-Coastal-Imaging-Toolbox is series of MATLAB scripts that can be utilized to georectify sets of oblique imagery from stationary UAS and single (or multi) –camera land-based imagery for generation of classic coastal imaging data products [1]. The scripts prominently call and highlight a series of sub-functions that implement fundamental photogrammetry calculations (e.g. solving camera extrinsics and calculating a camera projection matrix). The scripts are pre-populated with demo UAS and multi-camera data and can be run as downloaded.

This user guide will outline: software and data requirements; general workflow; and descriptions of scripts and sub-functions including input, output, and function dependencies. The last sections serve as references for equation and coordinate system definitions and literature references.

Software Requirements

The toolbox is a series of scripts designed in MATLAB Version 2019b. Older MATLAB versions may run the scripts, but this is not guaranteed. In addition, the toolbox requires the MATLAB Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox for the nlinfit function and Image Processing Toolbox for the bwdist function.

The Coastal Imaging Research Network (CIRN) GitHub repository serves and manages the Quantitative-Coastal-Imaging-Toolbox. Updates, managed by git version control, are provided at this GitHub repository.

User-Data Requirements

To adapt to other data sets, the user is required to provide: image data with suitable ground control points (GCPs), GCP geographic coordinates, and camera intrinsic calibration parameters. More details on collection requirements for georectified imagery can be found in [2] and camera intrinsic calibrations at [3] .

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