- 📝 Note
- 🚧 Requirement
- 📝 Tutorial
- 🔔 How to get notification when have new update?
- 🆙 How to Update
- 🛠️ How to create new commands
- 💭 Support
- 📚 Support Languages in source code
- 📌 Common Problems
- 📸 Screenshots
- ✨ Copyright (C)
- 📜 License
- This is a messenger chat bot using a personal account, using an unofficial api (Origin here) and this may lead to facebook account being locked due to spam or other reasons.
- So, I recommend using a clone account (one that you're willing to throw away at any time)
- I am not responsible for any problems that may arise from using this bot.
- Node.js 16.x Download | Home | Other versions
- Knowledge of programming, javascript, nodejs, unofficial facebook api
Tutorial has been uploaded on YouTube
- For mobile phone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grVeZ76HlgA
- For vps/windows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCbSYNQNEwY
Summary instructions:
- See here
- Click on the
button in the upper right corner of the screen and selectCustom
and selectPull requests
and clickApply
to get notified when there is a new update.
Tutorial has been uploaded on YouTube
- on phone/repl: https://youtu.be/grVeZ76HlgA?t=1342
- on vps/computer: https://youtu.be/uCbSYNQNEwY?t=508
- See here
If you have major coding issues with this bot, please join and ask for help.
- https://discord.com/invite/DbyGwmkpVY (recommended)
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/goatbot
- https://m.me/j/Abbq0B-nmkGJUl2C
https://t.me/gatbottt(no longer supported)- Please do not inbox me, I do not respond to private messages, any questions please join the chat group for answers. ThankThanks!
Currently, the bot supports 2 languages:
en: English
vi: Vietnamese
Change language in
file -
You can customize the language in the folder
📌 Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch
1. Enable Google Drive API: Tutorial
2. Add uri https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground (not https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/) to Authorized redirect URIs in OAuth consent screen: Tutorial
3. Choose https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive and https://mail.google.com/ in OAuth 2.0 Playground: Tutorial
📌 Error for site owners: Invalid domain for site key
1. Go to https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin
2. Add domain repl.co (not repl.com) to Domains in reCAPTCHA v2 Tutorial
📌 GaxiosError: invalid_grant, unauthorized_client
- If you don't publish the project in google console, the refresh token will expire after 1 week and you need to get it back. Tuatorial
📌 GaxiosError: invalid_client
- Check if you have entered your google project client_id correctly Tuatorial
📌 Error 403: access_denied
- If you don't publish the project in google console only the approved accounts added to the project can use it Tuatorial
- The use of unknown source code can lead to the device being infected with viruses, malware, hacked social accounts, banks, ...
- Goat-Bot-V2 is only published at https://github.com/ntkhang03/Goat-Bot-V2, all other sources, all forks from other github, replit,... are fake, violate policy
- If you use from other sources (whether accidentally or intentionally) it means that you are in violation and will be banned without notice
Rank system
- Rank card:
<p><img src="https://i.ibb.co/d0JDJxF/rank.png" width="399px"></p>
- Rankup notification:
<p><img src="https://i.ibb.co/WgZzthH/rankup.png" width="399px"></p>
- Custom rank card:
<p><img src="https://i.ibb.co/hLTThLW/customrankcard.png" width="399px"></p>
- Nếu bạn vi phạm bất kỳ quy tắc nào, bạn sẽ bị cấm sử dụng dự án của tôi
- Không bán mã nguồn của tôi
- Không tự xưng là chủ sở hữu của mã nguồn của tôi
- Không kiếm tiền từ mã nguồn của tôi (chẳng hạn như: mua bán lệnh, mua bán/cho thuê bot, kêu gọi quyên góp, v.v.)
- Không xóa/sửa đổi credit (tên tác giả) trong mã nguồn của tôi
- If you violate any rules, you will be banned from using my project
- Don't sell my source code
- Don't claim my source code as your own
- Do not monetize my source code (such as: buy and sell commands, buy and sell bots, call for donations, etc.)
- Don't remove/edit my credits (author name) in my source code