setting it up:
step 1: When starting this you will want the game already open in its own window (no other tabs)
step 2: begin playing the game and as soon as you can see your castle start the python code
step 3: first select the region of the game inside the window then select the search roi (in the image it is the red rectangle). Make sure to leave a gap to the left so that it will avoid re-detecting the falling enemies
it should look something like this:
Then when you want it to click for you just hold the spacebar. Have fun! :D
If you play this game smartly you can have it play itself, see for details
some improvements could include:
*Maybe calling the windows api for screenshots rather than pyautogui
*using an object detection model such as YOLO or something other than template matching
*rather than drawing the search roi separately you could probably auto calculate the search roi by doing percentages of the game screen window
*instead of leaving a gap to the left could have pyautogui sling the enemies all the way right instead which would allow for a longer search roi giving more time to detect
*give the script some logic to detect game states so that it can auto go on to the next stage, save the game, buy upgrades, etc.