vdlm2dec is a vdl mode 2 decoder with built-in rtl_sdr or airspy front end.
It could decode up to 8 frequencies simultaneously ( but in the same 2Mhz range )
vdlm2dec [-l logfile] [-g gain] [-r rtldevicenumber] Frequencies(Mhz)
-r rtldevicenumber : decode from rtl dongle number rtldevicenumber (don't set it for airspy)
-g gain : set preamp gain in tenth of db (ie -g 90 for +9db)
-p ppm : set rtl sdr ppm frequency (rtl_sdr only)
-q : quiet
-l logfile : output log (stderr by default)
-J : json output
-j addr:port send to addr:port UDP packets in json that could be read by acarsserv
For rtl-sdr :
./vdlm2dec -r 0 136.725 136.775 136.875 136.975
For airspy :
./vdlm2dec 136.725 136.775 136.875 136.975
[#4 (F:136.975 P:-2.1) 11/03/2018 15:52:27.259 --------------------------------
Command from Aircraft:3986E5 (airborne) to GroundD:2198B7
Frame-I: Ns:0 Nr:0
Aircraft reg: F-HBXF Flight id: YS7656
Mode: 2 Msg. label: Q0
Block id: 1 Ack: !
Msg. no: M36A
[#4 (F:136.975 P:-6.3) 11/03/2018 15:52:27.831 --------------------------------
Command from Aircraft:3946EC (airborne) to GroundD:2190F7
Frame-I: Ns:1 Nr:0
unknown data
[#1 (F:136.725 P:-3.5) 11/03/2018 15:52:28.240 --------------------------------
Response from Aircraft:406321 (airborne) to GroundD:1191EA
Frame-S: Nr:4 RR
[#3 (F:136.875 P:-5.8) 11/03/2018 15:52:29.009 --------------------------------
Command from Aircraft:398517 (airborne) to GroundD:27CB21
Frame-I: Ns:5 Nr:6
unknown data
[#4 (F:136.975 P:-5.0) 11/03/2018 15:52:29.006 --------------------------------
Command from Aircraft:440176 (airborne) to GroundD:1098CA
Frame-I: Ns:5 Nr:6
Aircraft reg: OE-IJF Flight id: U287HY
Mode: 2 Msg. label: H2
Block id: 5 Ack: !
Msg. no: M60A
Message :
02A111552LFRSLPPRN47097W001372111532 85P112 131P107205018G 185P097209026G 239P087215031G 292P072214037G 339P065220041G 378P052221044G 406P042226047G 427P035222046G 448P03022
Block End
[#2 (F:136.775 P:-6.6) 11/03/2018 15:52:29.357 --------------------------------
Command from Aircraft:461FA1 (airborne) to GroundD:280645
Frame-I: Ns:4 Nr:7
unknown data
[#1 (F:136.725 P:-2.5) 11/03/2018 15:52:29.359 --------------------------------
Command from Aircraft:440630 (airborne) to GroundD:11989A
Frame-I: Ns:1 Nr:4
unknown data
vdlm2dec must compile directly on any modern Linux distrib. It has been tested on x86_64 with fedora 27, on tegra with Ubuntu 14.04.5
It depends on some external libraries :
- libusb
- librtlsdr for software radio rtl dongle input (http://sdr.osmocom.org/trac/wiki/rtl-sdr)
- libairspy for airspy (https://github.com/airspy/airspyone_host)
for rtl-sdr
make -f Makefile.rtl
for airspy
make -f Makefile.air
- when receiving a message ex : [#1 (F:136.725 P:-3.7) 26/01/2018 21:34:57.633 -------------------------------- read the ppm displayed in P: field.
- Guess an average, round to near integer
- set the -p option as the opposite of this number (ex : -p 4 )
acarsserv is a companion program for vdlm2dec. It listens to acars messages on UDP coming from one or more acarsdec processes and stores them in a sqlite database.
See : acarsserv
Note : vdlm2dec could only send packet over the network on json format. It does not support the acarsdec old binary format.
vdlm2dec and acarsserv are Copyright Thierry Leconte 2015-2018
These code are free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 published by the Free Software Foundation.
They include cJSON Copyright (c) 2009-2017 Dave Gamble a nd cJSON contributors