This quick module allows you to stop Remote Events and Remote Functions from firing
These hooks are not ment for server siding! These just stop client sided events from sending to the server!
Place this above all the requests u make to the module (Dont put it in a function either.)
local ezhooks = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""),true)();
local ezhooks = loadstring(game:HttpGet(""),true)();
The beta build might be very unstable and not use able!
ezhooks:namecallHook("EventName", "FireType")
ezhooks:toggleHook("EventName", "FireType", Value)
EventName: Name of the event you want to control.
FireType: Type of firing in the event: "FireServer" for RemoteEvents and "InvokeServer" for RemoteFunctions.
Value: A boolean value (true or false) to enable or disable the event hook. (U can just use the value ur ui lib uses to toggle)
For RemoteEvents use "FireServer", For RemoteFunctions use "InvokeServer"!