Management strategy evaluation of Pacific hake
This code runs a management strategy evaluation (MSE) of Pacific hake. The code has three subfolders: 1) Spatial MSE and 2) Hake SS3 3) Hake SAM.
The Spatial MSE folder runs the MSE with a spatial operating model and the estimation model used in the hake assessment using the file run_MSE_all.R The file runs six hake management strategy evaluations, with 3 different harvest control rules, and 3 different movement rates. Run the file 'compare_MSE.R'to plot the results of the MSEs
The hake SS3 folder is the hake stock assessment. The official stock assessment has been rewritten in TMB. The assessment can be run from the file runHakeassessment.R
Hake SAM folder is a state-space version of the hake assessment. Under development.
All code by Nis Sand Jacobsen [email protected] . Please do not use in specific management scenarios without first consulting the author.