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Pedal Joystick out and comunication with Simhub

tcfshcrw edited this page Aug 24, 2024 · 6 revisions

2 Data streams out

There are 2 Data streams out from FFB Pedal, one for joystick and one for comunicaiton with simhub. FFB pedal provide serval connection type for both streams.

Comunicaiton with Simhub

The effect, config setting and other function was trigger or sending by simhub. The table below compare the connect type.

USB connection Wireless Bridge
Wired Yes Wired with Bridge, Bridge transfer data into wireless
Data transfer Full Only Dap_action, Dap_config, Dap_basic_state*, error code
Stability ESP32 is stable, ESP32S3 easy hanging Stable
Multiple pedal supported, just multiple usb cable supported, only 1 usb connection with PC, pedal esp32 can power on outsurce power

Joystick data output

FFB Pedal provide serval joystick output, the table below compared each with critirea.

Bluetooth joystick ESP32S3 HID Vjoy Analogout SC D15 Shield Joystick recevier
Connection Wireless ESP32S3 USB USB Wireless Wireless
update Rate <2ms <2ms 16ms <2ms <2ms
Stability depend on environment Stable when S3 not dive into upload mode - stable stable