Git is some software for version control. Github and Github Desktop uses Git as its backbone but their user interface is simpler to understand. For this project we can just use github desktop since its easier to learn than git. Cuz git uses the command line.
This website lets you see all the files for the project and the full history of what each person has done. The github desktop software lets you make changes to the project on ur computer, and your changes are only visible after you commit the changes.
Here's a gd tutorial on how to use the github desktop software.
Everytime you're gonna work on something, make sure to pull the newest version of the project using the Fetch Origin button on the Github Desktop client. Then click the Pull Origin button. After you're done making the changes then commit the changes then click the Push to Origin button which should be in the same location as the Fetch Origin button.
- Git
- GitHub Desktop
- Unity Hub
- Unity version 2021.3.1f1