Created by GameTainers, Game Server Daemon is an open source API witten in Nodejs to easily manage your game servers with a RESTful api.
- Turn on/off/restart servers
- Query and monitor for crashes
- Edit and create files
- Install and Uninstall game modes
- Console output via
These instructions are for ubuntu, but should work on any system.
First lets install NodeJS and the required packages
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js
apt-get update
apt-get install nodejs make g++ git
Clone GSD
git clone
Download the required nodejs packages
cd gsd
npm install
npm start
Configure the supplied config.json file with your server information.
You can use the Game Server Daemon API : Api Documentation
The GameTainers panel : GameTainers panel
PufferPanel : Pufferpanel