This library provides easy access to events and variables with real-time updates from a server using my library SpringLiveStomp.
This library requires 2 peer dependencies in order to work:
npm install --save @stomp/rx-stomp @stomp/ng2-stompjs
after having installed them, you can proceed with the package installation:
npm install --save ngx-livestomp
- Create an object of type
similar to the following, customizing parameters:
export const rxStompConfig: RxStompConfig = {
// Which server?
brokerURL: 'ws://',
// Headers
// Typical keys: login, passcode, host
connectHeaders: {
login: 'guest',
passcode: 'guest',
logRawCommunication: true,
// How often to heartbeat?
// Interval in milliseconds, set to 0 to disable
heartbeatIncoming: 0, // Typical value 0 - disabled
heartbeatOutgoing: 20000, // Typical value 20000 - every 20 seconds
// Wait in milliseconds before attempting auto reconnect
// Set to 0 to disable
// Typical value 500 (500 milli seconds)
reconnectDelay: 500,
// Will log diagnostics on console
// It can be quite verbose, not recommended in production
// Skip this key to stop logging to console
debug: (msg: string): void => {
console.log(new Date(), msg);
- In your AppModule, import
and configure it with the object previously created:
// ... other imports
import {rxStompConfig} from "./rx-stomp.config";
import {NgxLiveStompModule} from "ngx-livestomp"
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
- Now, simply use the service via DI:
selector: 'app-root',
template: `
<p *ngFor="let hero of heroes | async">
{{}}, rating: {{hero.rating}}
Hero with id 1:
<p>{{(heroWithID1 | async)?.name}}, rating: {{(heroWithID1 | async)?.rating}}</p>
Poster: {{poster?.text}}
styles: []
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
heroes?: Observable<Hero[]>;
heroWithID1?: Observable<Hero>;
poster?: {text: string};
constructor(private restService: NgxLiveStompService) {
ngOnInit(): void {
this.heroes = this.restService.liveList<Hero>('http://localhost:8080/heroes', '/topic/heroes/updates');
this.heroWithID1 =<Hero>('http://localhost:8080/heroes/1', '/topic/heroes/1/updates');<{ text:string }>('http://localhost:8080/poster', '/topic/poster/updates').subscribe(poster => {
this.poster = poster
In this example, the list heroes
and the variables heroWithID1
and poster
are now synchronized with back-end changes, thus are updated in real-time.
For more examples of usage, see the following repo: