This repository is used by SplatFormer to generate OOD data. It contains
- The blender rendering scripts to render OOD-NVS test and training set.
- The nerfstudio script to train 3DGS on the rendered OOD-NVS sets. You can also download the prepared test set here.
wget # For ShapeNet
tar -xvf blender-2.90.0-linux64.tar.xz
wget # For Objaverse-v1 and GSO
tar -xvf blender-3.2.2-linux-x64
cd nerfstudio
pip install -e .
Download ShapeNet-Core from the huggingface repository. Or directly
## In Python
from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download
download_dir = 'path/to/the/dir'
snapshot_download(repo_id="ShapeNet/ShapeNetCore",repo_type="dataset",local_dir=download_dir, cache_dir=download_dir)
We select ShapeNet objects with texture for OOD training and test. The training (29,587 objects) and test (20 objects) split can be found in .
To render each object for OOD training and put the camera poses and images in a colmap structure
obj_id='03046257/8c00d87bcc8f034aa1b95b258b5f7139' #Replace other scenes in OOD-BlenderRender/traintest_splits/shapenet_train.txt
blender-2.90.0-linux64/blender --background --python \
-- --object_path=${PATH_TO_SHAPENET}/${obj_id}/models/model_normalized.obj \
--output_folder=render_outputs/shapenet/trainset/${obj_id} \
--train_elevation_sin_amplitude_max_levels=10 \
--test_num_per_floor=2 \
--test_elevation_range=70-90 \
--generate_trainset --use_gpu
For OOD test sets, we render each object with two sets of elevation ranges, 10 and 20. We also render more test views with various elevation degree.
obj_id='02691156/2628b6cfcf1a53465569af4484881d20' #Replace other scenes in OOD-BlenderRender/traintest_splits/shapenet_test.txt
blender-2.90.0-linux64/blender --background --python \
-- --object_path=${PATH_TO_SHAPENET}/${obj_id}/models/model_normalized.obj \
--output_folder=render_outputs/shapenet/trainset/${obj_id} \
--train_elevation_sin_amplitude_max_levels=10,20 \
--test_num_per_floor=3 \
--test_elevation_range=20-90 \
In SplatFormer, we use only 48k scenes for training. The training (48,354 objects) and test (20 objects) split can be found in traintest_splits.
Download objaverse-v1 from the huggingface repository. For the OOD training set, we used [000-000,...,000-039]. For the OOD evaluation set, we choose objects from 000-100. To download these subsets, you can use huggingface-cli.
# Take 000-100 for examples
huggingface-cli download allenai/objaverse \
--include "glbs/000-100/*.glb" \
--repo-type dataset \
--token='your-huggging-face-token' \
blender-3.2.2-linux-x64/blender --background --python \
-- --object_path=${PATH_TO_OBJAVERSE}/$obj_id.glb \
--output_folder=render_outputs/objaverse/trainset/$obj_id \
--train_elevation_sin_amplitude_max_levels=15 \
--test_num_per_floor=2 \
--test_elevation_range=70-90 \
--generate_trainset \
blender-3.2.2-linux-x64/blender --background --python \
-- --object_path=${PATH_TO_OBJAVERSE}/$obj_id.glb \
--output_folder=render_outputs/objaverse/testset/$obj_id \
--train_views=32 \
--train_elevation_sin_amplitude_max_levels=10-20 \
--test_num_per_floor=3 \
--test_elevation_range=70-90 \
Download google scanned objects and extract the files. We choose 20 objects and their names are listed in traintest_splits/gso_test.txt.
blender-3.2.2-linux-x64/blender --background --python \
-- --object_path=${PATH_TO_GSO}/${obj_id}/meshes/model.obj \
--output_folder=render_outputs/gso/testset/$obj_id \
--train_elevation_sin_amplitude_max_levels=10-20 \
--test_num_per_floor=3 \
--test_elevation_range=70-90 \
All the nerfstudio training scripts can be found in scripts. Here we take 3DGS of GSO-OOD test set for example.
for obj in $(ls render_outputs/shapenet/testset) # You can modify this to enable multi-gpu processing.
colmap_dir=render_outputs/gso/testset/$obj # path to the directory of rendered images
ns-train splatfacto \
--logging.local-writer.enable=False --logging.profiler=none \${colmap_dir} \
--pipeline.model.sh_degree=1 \
--pipeline.save_img=True --test_after_train True \
--output_dir=./ --experiment-name=${output_dir} \
--relative-model-dir=nerfstudio_models --vis wandb \
--max_num_iterations=10000 \
colmap \
--downscale_factor=1 \
--load_3D_points True --load_bbox True --num_points_from_bbox 50000 \
--auto_scale_poses=False --orientation_method=none --center_method=none \
--assume_colmap_world_coordinate_convention False \
--eval_mode filename
Note that when generating the input 3DGS for SplatFormer, we stop the optimization at the 10k step (--early_stop_steps=10000), and reduce sh_degree to save computational budgets. We find that this does not affect 3DGS's rendering performance in these datasets. However, we report the metrics of 3DGS with default configuration (--max_num_iterations=30000, --pipeline.model.sh_degree=3) in our paper's table.