Interactive training app for improving Scrabble skills and vocabulary
main.js: Initializes the game and exposes functions to the global scope.
gameLogic.js: Contains the game logic functions like createBoard, renderTiles, etc.
tiles.js: Handles tile creation and drag-and-drop functionality.
utils.js: Contains utility functions like isMobileDevice.
config.js: Holds game configuration data like gameModes.
styles.css: Main style sheet for the ScrabbleTrainer app.
JSON files to store the word lists for each game type. One list per game type, per JSON file.
font files used to render tiles to the page with the need for images. Results in faster loading than using images.
deploy.yml: Deployment script that runs automatically when files are pushed. Responsible for running the build.js script and for sending changed files to AWS S3 for use on the website.
build.js: Node script for inserting the version number at the bottom of the page before deploying to AWS S3.
index.html: The main landing page fo the app.
LICENSE: Just a license telling you what you can do with my code. The file you're reading right now.