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GPU Direct Storage (GDS)

Zhaobo edited this page Jan 28, 2023 · 4 revisions

1. GDS Intro

2. Hardware requirement

  1. GPU model
  2. SSD model

3. Installation

Since CUDA Toolkit 11.4, GDS client package has been available in the toolkit

Not true, installed cuda-toolkit-11.4, but the gds and tools are not available under cuda directory

4. Configuration Steps

5. Verification

/usr/local/cuda/gds/tools/gdscheck -p should exists under /usr/local/cuda/targets/x86_64-linux/lib/

6. Usage

  1. Direct use CUDA API (cuFile)

  2. Through DALI

  3. Through third party GDS reader

7. Benchmark

  1. Direct file read with gdsio
  2. pytorch training and inference
  3. cuda level training


[1] Nvidia GDS configuration guide

[2] pytorch GDS inference benchmark

[3] GDS reader

[4] GDS install and verification